Lakewood, NJ: Rabbi Moskowitz’s Attacker Deemed Competent To Stand Trial

ltucker.jpgThe Asbury Park Press reports: A 38-year-old Lakewood man accused of attempted murder in a baseball-bat attack on Rabbi Mordechai Moskowitz, a third-grade Rebbe at Lakewood Cheder has been deemed competent to stand trial. Superior Court Judge Francis R. Hodgson last week ruled that Lee Tucker of Ventura Drive is mentally fit to stand trial on the attempted murder charge and another charge of possessing a weapon.

Tucker is accused of severely beating Rabbi Moskowitz in Lakewood on Oct. 9, 2007 (as reported HERE on YWN) as he was walking to Daven Maariv.

Tucker’s attorneys, Glenn Kassman and Kevin Young, sought to have their client declared incompetent to stand trial. At a hearing on May 14, they presented testimony from a psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Greenfield, who talked about Tucker’s history of psychiatric commitments dating to 1996 for serious mental disorders that include schizophrenia.

However, Assistant Ocean County Prosecutor Michael Weatherstone called another psychiatrist, Dr. Timothy Michals, as his expert witness. Michals testified that Tucker is competent and that he faked mental illness during an exam.

Hodgson issued his ruling Thursday.

Young said at issue was whether Tucker is mentally competent to assist in his defense, and that Hodgson agreed with the state’s expert who said that he is.

Young said the defense team may now pursue an insanity defense for Tucker and are seeking to have him re-evaluated. For that defense to succeed, the defense attorneys would have to prove that Tucker was insane when the crimes were committed.

Hodgson scheduled a conference in the case for July 6. Tucker was arrested and charged on Oct. 24, 2007, a day after he was released from a stay at Ancora Psychiatric Hospital in Winslow.

(Source: APP / Lipas)

8 Responses

  1. Boruch Hashem! This animal should stand trial for his actions & hopefully he will be put away for many years. One less criminal on the streets!!

  2. I think fit to stand trial is better, the word competent has nothing to do with this savage. BH, through tefilos and syata dishmayo, the legendary rabbi Moskowitz continues to amaze everyone he goes near!!

  3. “Tucker is accused of severely beating Rabbi Moskowitz in Lakewood on Oct. 9, 2007 (as reported HERE on YWN) as he was walking to Daven Maariv.”

    – That is Rabbi Moskowitz was walking to Daven Maariv (not Tucker).

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