Former Fallsburg Fire Chief Sentenced To Prison For Arson At Skopps Bungalow Colony

ch1.jpgThe Times Herald Record reports: Fallsburg’s former fire chief cradled his eight-month-old son in his arms and kissed his sobbing fiance on Tuesday after he was sentenced to prison in a conspiracy to burn down a bungalow in Skopps Bungalow Colony – reported HERE on YWN.

James Smith, 34, a longtime volunteer firefighter, was sentenced to 2-to-6 years on the top charge of arson after admitting to encouraging his uncle, described as mentally disabled, to burn down the Skopps colony bungalow on Laurel Avenue on Aug. 29. He was also sentenced on a lesser charge of conspiracy.

“He put the life of his firefighters in jeopardy and the lives of the community in jeopardy,” Judge Frank LaBuda said before imposing the sentence.

The uncle, Edward Smith, 44, who actually burned down the unoccupied bungalow, was sentenced to 1 1/3 to 4 years. The judge, the prosecutor and his attorney, Stephan Schick, described him in court as being mentally disabled.

James and Edward both lived at the bungalow colony. James was the caretaker, and Edward did odd jobs for him.

Authorities say James hatched the plan to provide a training opportunity for the fire department, and instructed Edward on how to make it look like an electrical fire. The bungalow was going to be torn down.

James Smith’s attorney, Joel Proyect, said James casually mentioned the idea to Edward, who carried it out. As soon as James found out about the fire, he cooperated with police.

“It was an offhand, stupid remark he made,” Proyect said. “It was 10 seconds of his life.”

James Smith didn’t say anything or react to the sentence. His wrists were shackled behind his back and he was taken to jail.


3 Responses

  1. I’m not saying the man was right about what he did but this verdict is way to harsh. According to the article:
    – The man was a fireman so he knew what he was doing, therefore there was very little danger.
    – It was when the colony was vacant so no one was around to get hurt.
    – He was having the firemen practice putting out the fire as a drill which makes the extinguisment process safe.
    – He was a caretaker on grounds so he wasn’t trespassing.
    – He only suggested it but didn’t carry it out single handedly.
    – The bungalow was going to be torn down anyway so its not like he was causing a loss to the colony.
    – He is a father and a husband and a firefighter who we all all thanks for his past heroic efforts.

    If this man would be a jew, we would all be yelling how unfairly harsh the verdict is to him and his family. I think that putting aside the racial profiling of his being a gentile, we the community associated with this incident should voice our concerns for a more fair and just verdict. It could go a very long way towards shalom between yiden and goyim. Besides that, it’s just the right thing to do.

  2. As the judge said, his actions endangered lives. This was not about monetary damages or trespassing. He also manipulated a mentally unstable man into committing a crime. These actions show disregard for human life.
    The sentence is harsh, but the judge is bound by the sentencing guidelines in the law. NY needs to reform its laws, so that those who truly deserve it, get the proper time.

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