Police Commissioner: NYPD Will Do More To Train Its Officers

78.jpgNYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly says the Police Department is doing more to train its members after the shooting death of an off-duty cop by a fellow officer.

This comes as witnesses are shedding more light about Thursday night’s incident.

Officer Omar Edwards, pictured on the right, was shot and killed in East Harlem by Officer Andrew Dunton. Police say Edwards was in street clothes and had his gun drawn chasing a man when Dunton shot him.

Investigators say two other officers on the scene and the man Edwards was chasing have all said they heard Dunton identify himself as an officer before he opened fire on Edwards.

Speaking yesterday, Kelly said the department is doing more to avoid similar incidents in the future.

“We do an awful lot of training in this area.. But you can never do enough training,” said the police commissioner. “We’re reinforcing our training, putting out a special DVD video.”

The NYPD also says the department is surveying undercover officers to learn more about other kinds of incidents where misidentification took place, even if shots were not fired. And, it says it is conducting an independent review of its confrontation training.

Meanwhile, Governor David Paterson says while he is confident the Manhattan district attorney will conduct a thorough investigation, he is open to idea of the state or federal government getting involved.

Paterson joined the Reverend Al Sharpton yesterday to meet with Edwards’ family.

The governor stopped short of saying race was a factor in the shooting, but he did say the circumstances surrounding friendly-fire shootings should be closely examined.

“Perhaps we need to look at the statistics all around the country. See if there are some parallels that we can draw and try to stop this from ever happening again,” said Paterson.

Paterson plans to meet with elected officials and community leaders today.

(Source: NY1)

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