Felder: Citywide Emergency Notification Will Greatly Benefit New Yorkers

nnyc.jpgBrooklyn – Councilman Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn) encourages New Yorkers to register for Notify NYC, a communications service that will enable residents to closely monitor developments near their home, workplace, children’s schools, and other places of importance. Notify NYC will inform New Yorkers of public health and safety emergencies, utility outages, school closings, delay advisories, and unscheduled parking rules suspensions.

“Not sure if alternate side parking is suspended due to the weather?  Wondering about utility outages? Notify NYC will give you the latest updates,” said Felder, “The ability to instantly find out about developments in your neighborhood will reduce the anxiety and stress caused by unexpected emergencies.”

Notify NYC began as a neighborhood-specific emergency notification service and on May 28th, expanded to cover all five boroughs. Participants may customize the service by choosing from a variety of ways to receive alerts, whether through email, text messaging, or auto-dialing to their home, office, and cell phones.

To register for Notify NYC, visit http://nyc.gov/notifynyc and enter the appropriate information. Any information you provide in registering will not be disseminated.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. Think about the negative though also! Registering your cell phone means Big Brother always knows where you are. Maybe this sounds excessively paranoid, but with anti-semitism hugely on the rise, and a radical leftist arab-lover in the white house, is that what you REALLY want?!? If you want to register, I’d recommend registering your online screen name, not your cell phone number.

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