Levaya Of Reb Shimon Newhouse Z”L

candle91.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Reb Shimon Newhouse Z”L in Lakewood, NJ.

His Petira comes just 10 days after the passing of his mother, Rebbetzin Rivkah Newhouse A”H, wife of Rabbi Avrohom Newhouse ZTL, the revered founder of Bais Yaakov/Camp Bais Yaakov in America.

Although he was recently hospitalized for a minor stroke and cardiac difficulties, his Petira came suddenly, and suffered a cardiac arrest while walking on Monday morning in Leisure Chateau, Lakewood’s assisted living center.

The Levaya is scheduled for Monday, at 2:00PM, at Bais Medrash Gavoha (BMG).

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

15 Responses

  1. I must say I’m in shock. As someone who grew up in Camp Bais Yaakov and knew Rabbi Newhouse zt”l quite well, I can honestly say Rabbi Newhouse zt”l was nothing short of a Tzadik. The way he ran that camp, the way he dealt with people and the amount of Chesed he did in his quiet unassuming way was, for lack of a better word, remarkable. His petirah is a tremendous blow and a devastating loss for Camp Bais Yaakov, all its Alumni, anyone who knew him, and all of K’lal Yisroel.

  2. What a shock. All of us former Camp BYers surely remember him. He put Yiddishe pride into all of his B’nos Yisroel – I think that is his greatest legacy.

  3. As an alumni of camp bais yaakov and someone who has been there for many years, I can fully agree with nach. Rabbi Newhouse was truly remarkable in every way and impacted the lives of many. Camp Bais Yaakov has been the summer home for hundreds of girls, for many, many years and has left lasting memories for thousands of campers and staff. His loss will definitely be felt.

  4. At his mother’s levaya, when R’ Shimon zatzal spoke, he said, in that inimitable tone he always used when speaking in public “Nu, nu, es iz Erev Shabbos, un es iz nisht da asach tzeit…” How chilling these words seem in retrospect.

    As one of the young kids who’s parents spent their summers in CBY (as kids, us boys called it Camp BOYS Yaakov), I will never forget Rabbi Newhouse. His varmkeit and chesed was second to none.

    Who can forget his announcements on the PA system right before shabbos: “ZU, MODA’AH ACHARONA, LIFNEI SHABBOS KODESH, This is the final announcement before shabbos kodesh, parshas….All lights in the ohalim should be off, all lights on the porches should be on etc.”

    What a loss for klal yisroel!

  5. Scary! By his mother Rebbetzin Newhouses Levaya he said
    “Mistama vet men noch zen”
    Meaning we will probably see
    Each other!
    A true loss for klal yisroel
    He would literally rather lose money on his camp then make
    Someone who couldent pay
    Not come for camp there are literally hundreds of girls who owe there uplifting summers al taharas hakodesh
    To him! His wife is the principle of Nefesh both of them always caring and doing for others. He had a unique
    Way of doing for others and making you feel like you were
    Doing him a favor.
    There are no words to adequetley describe this loss…

  6. I will never forget how special Rabbi Newhouse a”h made me feel one Friday night when he introduced me to say a Dvar Torah in front of the whole camp. He warmly spoke of my grandfather and that made me feel like a million dollars.
    Baruch Dayan Haemes

  7. R’ Shimon Zt”l was indeed a very unassuming person. But for those who had the privilege of getting to know him beyond the surface, all saw a giant in “Toras chesed”. For those who aren’t familiar, the niftar owned and operated Camp Beis Yackov, in the Catskills. The story is told that when R’ Shimon suffered his first stroke a few years back, a certain family member assumed the reigns of the camp. The family member, who took a hard line approach to camp tuition, soon realized that his brother allowed many campers, whose parents couldn’t afford to pay, come to camp for FREE. At the levaya in Lakewood, his brother, ybl’c R’ Ezzy, shlit’a opened with a beautiful thought from the Bais Yisroel of Ger, who explains why Chazal teach that after one passes from this world one of the questions he will be asked by the Heavenly Tribunal is, whether he performed acts of kindness with family members (“anshei beiso”), and not whether he committed plain acts of chesed. And the rebbe explained that it is easier to do chesed with others than with family. Many neglect their own family to help others. True chesed is helping one’s own family members. The test is to help family, where one gets no fame or publicity for his acts. As the maxim goes “chesed begins at home”. R’ Shimon who was the oldest, lost two younger brothers during his life time, Rav Yehuda Leib, zt”l, and R’ Shragei zt”l. When Rav Yehuda Leib was niftar, R’ Shimon adopted his brother’s children and cared for them as his very own. He nurtured them and raised them as his very own kinderlach! And he did this and so much more with no publicity and fanfare. This is the legacy of R’ Shimon Newhouse.
    We in Lakewood, who were privileged to have him live amongst us, have lost for now a giant and will miss him very much. May Mashiach come quickly and reunite us with this great tzaddik.

  8. Rabbi Newhouse was a great role model for all of K’lall Yisroel.
    We can all learn from him, to value Torah/Talmiday Chachomim.

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