It’s Official: GM Files For Bankruptcy

gmn.jpgGeneral Motors, the fallen icon of American industrial might, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as part of an Obama administration plan to shrink the automaker to a sustainable size and give a majority ownership stake to the federal government.

The bankruptcy deal that will give taxpayers a 60 percent ownership stake and expand the government’s reach into big business.

Underscoring the government’s extraordinary role, President Barack Obama planned to announce his support for GM’s restructuring strategy at a midday appearance at the White House, much as he did in April when Chrysler sought court protection.

GM president and CEO Fritz Henderson planned to hold a press conference in New York immediately following Obama’s announcement.

Administration officials said late Sunday the federal government would pump $30 billion dollars into GM as it makes its way through bankruptcy court. That’s besides the $20 billion in taxpayers’ money that the Treasury already lent to the automaker.

The money would come from what remains of the $700 billion rescue fund for the financial sector.

For the foreseeable future, General Motors will not be a publicly-held company. As of 9:30 a.m., GM stock will essentially be worthless, reports CBS News business producer Guy Campanile.

The reorganization plan aims to make GM profitable in a U.S. car market of 10 million units sold per year. The U.S. market is currently on a 9 million unit sales pace. At its peak, the U.S. market sold 16 million units, Campanile reports.

The bankruptcy papers will include a list of 11 plants that will be closed and three that will be idled. 21,000 more jobs will be eliminated. GM will also outline additional dealership cuts.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity in advance of Obama’s public remarks, said the administration expects the court process to last 60 to 90 days. If successful, GM will emerge as a leaner company with a smaller work force, fewer plants and a trimmed dealership force. The company will stick with its four core brands – Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick and GMC.

The government’s ownership stake and huge financial injection represents yet another remarkable intervention into the American private sector. The Treasury has stepped in to help banks, it has taken majority ownership in insurance conglomerate American International Group and it has guided Chrysler through bankruptcy protection proceedings.

Despite its sizable ownership, administration officials said the government intends to stay out of day-to-day management decisions. It says it intends to shed its ownership stakes “as soon as practicable.”

One senior administration official insisted that “there is no plan of any kind for further support beyond this point.”

The plan will be filed under section 363 of the U.S. bankruptcy code. The 363 filing allows GM to spin a new debt-free company quickly out of bankruptcy. It’s basically the “Chrysler Plan.”

Still, it was the Obama administration that instructed GM to trim itself to a point that it could break even by selling 10 million cars a year. Its current break even point is 16 million cars.

President Obama is expected to comment from the White House on the filing shortly before noon.

It would be the largest industrial bankruptcy in U.S. history, and the fourth-largest overall. In addition, a GM bankruptcy would be unprecedented as the federal government would pump billions more into the company, and take a 72.5 percent interest in the automaker.

On Sunday a group of large, institutional bondholders, representing 54 percent of GM bondholders, agreed to exchange their unsecured bonds for a 10 percent stake in a newly restructured company, plus warrants to purchase a greater share later. They had balked at an earlier offer, that gave them 10 percent of the company without the warrants.

(Source: CBS News)

7 Responses

  1. Thank you Mr Obama for sticking your grubby fingers where they dont belong and messing up another company. Why you couldnt let them work this out on their own and go Chap 11 months ago is beyond most normal thinking people in this country.

    I guess this is something else the govt has gotten its hands on that hasnt worked.

  2. Mark,
    GM and Chrysler self-destructed without any government help, and the idea of “rescuing” them came from former President Bush and former Secretary of the Treasury Paulson – before they were “former”. They were being overly protective of their favorite constituencies. Mr. Obama just took a bad idea and run with it (think of the quarterback coming up with a dumb play, and handing off to the halfback who carries it out).
    However by 2013 no one will care who screwed up in 2008, and with a little luck the government’s share can be sold for a profit (preferably used to pay down the ridiculous debts the current Congress is running up).

  3. akuperma, thank you for your history lesson. They destructed with the help of the govt with all the crazy laws in place which kill the company. Of course they have crazy union contracts that need to be paid. I wish i got paid for doing NOTHING all day!

    So please answer me, what has the govt EVER gotten involved in that worked? Was it any type of healthcare? Was it Soc Security? Shall I keep going?

    The answer is govt hasnt really fixed anything! Its WE THE PEOPLE who can do it without govt involvement.

  4. Mark,
    They paid their employees, at all levels (from unskilled through senior management) consistently at a level many times what their competition paid, and earned a reputation for bad quality.
    As for the government not getting anything done, nott that their is neither a swastika nor a hammer and sickle flying over America – thanks to a bunch of government employees. Note that thanks to civil rights laws, it is possible for someone who is Shomer Shabbos to find employment outside of the frum community – used to be that if you didn’t want to work 54+ hours a week, six days a week, you had no option but to be self-employed. Remember also that all our roads were built by bureaucrats.
    But in any event, be happy GM has been “reluctantly” nationalized, since it is probably a key factor in hoping for a “regime change” in just under four years.

  5. can someone please explain to me how in heaven’s name a 31 year old almost college graduate shnook could be put in charge of putting this company back to profitability??? this president is totally off the wall!! he is a street thug who is having his day with OUR money whatever is left of it.

    here goes a MAJOR tax increase!!

  6. while someone is explaining things to us, maybe you could explain how this president could run ANYTHING considering he has NEVER run any business of consequence in his life. How is it that he could be entrusted with so many major industries in this country.

    2010 isn’t coming fast enough & for those of you with any sort of election in 2009 be it mayor, governor, etc., YOU are able to send a message to the anointed one & his band of crooks that you are not happy with his kingship.

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