NY Askonim Lobbying Against Toeiva Marriage; California Supreme Court Upholds Proposition 8

ywbn114.gifYWN has learned exclusively that a delegation of community leaders & Askonim from across NY State, organized by Agudas Yisroel on behalf of the Orthodox community, is currently in Albany. This delegation representing numerous New York Kehillas is lobbying on behalf of the Jewish communities united opposition against same-gender marriage.

As YWN learns more information on this important mission, major news has just hit the wires that the California Supreme Court upheld “Proposition 8”. By a 52-48 margin, voters approved the measure reinstating a ban on same-gender marriage after the state Supreme Court, in a landmark ruling last May, approved such marriages.

The following is a CNN article:

The California Supreme Court upheld Tuesday a ban on same-gender marriages that state voters passed in November, but it allowed about 18,000 same-gender marriages performed before the ban to remain valid.

The 6-1 ruling was met with chants of “shame on you” from a crowd of about 1,000 people who gathered outside the court building in San Francisco.

Opponents of the ban argued that the controversial Proposition 8, which state voters passed 52 percent to 48 percent in November, improperly altered the California Constitution to restrict a fundamental right guaranteed in the state’s charter.

But the court — which had allowed same-gender marriages in a 2008 decision — found the measure was narrow enough to pass legal muster.

Attorneys for the opponents also said the proposition, which removed the “marriage” label from same-gender unions, effectively deprived same-gender couples of a fundamental right guaranteed them under the equal-protection clause in the U.S. Constitution.

The passage of Proposition 8 made California one of several states to ban same-gender marriage in the November 4 elections. But unlike others, California had been issuing marriage licenses to same-gender couples since the state Supreme Court ruled in May 2008 that the unions were legal.

Four states — Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts and Iowa — allow same-gender marriages. A Vermont law making such marriages legal will take effect in September.

On May 6, same-gender marriage became legal in Maine as Gov. John Baldacci signed a bill less than an hour after the state Legislature approved it.

In April, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled unanimously that it is illegal to discriminate against same-gender couples by denying them the right to marry. The first Toeiva marriages in the state took place April 27.

The District of Columbia voted May 5 to recognize same-gender marriages performed elsewhere, though it does not itself give marriage licenses to same-gender couples.

In April, New York Gov. David Paterson introduced legislation to make same-gender marriage legal in his state.

New Hampshire’s move to legalize same-gender marriage hit a road bump Wednesday after that state’s House of Representatives did not agree to legislation changes made by the governor.

Both the House and Senate already had approved allowing gay couples to marry. But Gov. John Lynch, a three-term Democrat, said he would sign a same-gender marriage bill only if it provides “the strongest and clearest protections for religious institutions and associations, and for the individuals working with such institutions.”

The House on Wednesday fell two votes short of approving Lynch’s language. The chamber then voted to send the legislation to a committee to be considered further.

(Eli Gefen – YWN / CNN)

10 Responses

  1. Klal yisroel needs to fight them with all its koiches!

    Editors Note: Warning. Not just in this (deleted) comment, but the rest of your additude.

  2. Societies can continue to exist even with major flaws – AS LONG AS THEY KNOW THE FLAWS ARE FLAWS! – BUT… When they say the flaws are NOT flaws, when they say that they are acceptable and normal behavior, THAT is the beginning of the end of that society.

  3. Let’s all pray for the HatzloCho of these wonderful Yidden who are taking time off from their busy schedules, in a time of extreme financial distress, to help their fellow brethren in Klal Yisroel.

    May HaShem bless their efforts with success!

  4. because its not a kiddush hashem at all,all the goiyim see is all of the sudden a whole bunch of rabbis protesting,something they would call intolerance,and their thinking that the jews are fanatics and its not a good look for the orthodox community.

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