North London Shomrim & NWCP Train In Joint Session

nwcp.jpgLondon is happy to welcome into its voluntary sector two new organizations.

North West London’s Community Patrol (NWCP) with over 50 members has been patrolling Golders Green and Hendon nightly for the last six months.

Stamford Hills Safety Rescue & Patrol (SHSRP) whose remit includes not only safety and security patrols but also has a search & rescue capability for cases of missing persons. They have been operating for 12 months and have a dedicated phone number for calls to specific incidents.

Although the two organisations are independent of one another, they both started off because of similar issues. Namely, a steep increase in racial and hate crime against the Jewish communities because of political tensions worldwide and also because the community feels unsafe due to a spike in street attacks and robberies over the last couple of years.

Over 50 members from NWCP and SHSRP completing their SIA (professional security qualification) training.

The SIA training course covered the following mandatory units: Introduction to the Security Industry, Roles and Responsibilities, Behavioural Standards, Equality and Diversity, Health and Safety, UK Law, Arrest, Searching, Drug Awareness, Reporting, Emergencies & Fire Safety, Conflict Management, Communication Skills, Patrolling, Using Systems and other important items.

Exams will be taken when the course has been completely finished.

The North West London Shomrim (NWCP = North West Community Patrol) opened up in January 2009 after several attacks and robberies which took place in the streets of North West London. It currently has over 40 trained members. NWCP is a “mobile neighbourhood watch” and acts as an extension to the Metropolitan Police Force’s eyes and ears. NWCP is backed by the local Rabbonim and Councillors. Patrol members are obliged to patrol the streets of Golders Green, Hendon, Finchley and Temple Fortune, once a month on a Rota basis whereby Patrol Members report crime to the Metropolitan Police. The Rota ensures that at least 2 Patrol Vehicles are patrolling every night. Patrol members do not have law enforcement powers and cannot apprehend a suspect but have assisted the police in many occasions as to the whereabouts of suspects.

North London Shomrim (SHSRP = Stamford Hill Safety Rescue Patrol) operate the same system. Members of the public can call Shomrim and responding units will attend a scene and will liaise with the police.

Police in many occasions have thanked Shomrim for their volunteered effort to reduce crime in the neighbourhood.

(YWN Representative In London)

One Response

  1. Nice combination. I hope that the UK Islamics don’t stir trouble. Hashem should protect these two groups from the evil Ishmaelite/Mohammedans Y’S.

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