EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS: Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel Closed Due To Swine Flu

ywbn111.gifFIRST REPORT: YWN has just confirmed that Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel (Flatbush branch of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim) in Flatbush has been closed due to one confirmed case of Swine Flu. The Yeshiva is located at 1271 East 31st Street in Flatbush.

The entire Yeshiva (Elementary, High School & Bais Medrash) will be closed until after Shavuos.

This is the second Yeshiva that has been closed due to the recent Swine Flue outbreak. Last evening YWN reported the closure of Yeshiva Magen David, which will remain closed until the Monday following Shavuos (June 1).

There are still rumors regarding an additional Yeshiva being closed in Flatbush – and YWN will bring you that info as soon as it’s confirmed.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)


40 Responses

  1. re: #1:
    I understand the rationale for closing this and other schools where they had a confirmed case of the flu.

    But I cannot see why they should close all the other schools and deprive the world of the zechuyos of hevel pihem shel tinokos shel beis raban.

    To do so seems highly inappropriate, to me, especially since Shavuos is this week.

  2. 1. gramps, there is no reason for everyone to stay out of school for the flu. dont over react.

    Refuah Sh’laima to the talmid/talmidim who are ill!!

  3. B”H and thank you Roshei Yeshiva at YTY for ensuring the safety of the children and being machmir on health issues. Kol Hakavod.

  4. i heard from someone who was at the dr with their kid that Mesores Beis Yaakov on Ocean Avenue and Avenue I has a case, and also heard that they were on a shabaton and half the girls came down with flu-like symptoms. None of this is confirmed, I’m telling you what someone told me this morning.

  5. mesoras has many confrimed cases including someone i know

    theyw ent on shabbaton and half the girls came home with flu symptoms

  6. Who is the authority who orders the school closures? The N.Y.C. Department of Education or the N.Y.C. Department of Health? If anyone of us YWN bloggers were exposed to any of the students from Magen David or Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel, do we have to report it to our doctors?

  7. mesoras girls school will prob be closed. also might b good idea to close all yeshivas till after yom tov

    reason is if a child has sibling in those schools they can spread the sickness

    hashem yasor!

  8. Flatbush bubby: why would we have to be reporting to our doctors that we’re around them? I’m around them 24/7 this weekend….

  9. The danger is not so much for the children, its the middle age parents that they come into contact with. The halachah is clear on this subject, and if there is a chashash of sakanas nefoshos the yeshivos should close until its contained. the virus finishes within 48 hours, it spreads quickly throughout the family.
    kol tuv

  10. If the NYC Dept of Health shuts down the schools then its Denay Dimalchusa and they must close. If it is not them then during this week of Kabolas HaTorah we should push and make sure our precious Tinokos Shel Beis Rabbon are Davening and learning. we need their Zchusim.

    Perhaps Hashem is testing us. If so, lets pass the test by not minimizing our Limud Hatorah. Klal Yisroel just took a major hit with the Petira of one of Gedolai Poskim (Rav Bransdorfer ZT”L). We are in a very vulnerable position right now and cannot afford any more tragedies – we need more Torah and more Teffila.

  11. wow masores and yeshiva of flatbush might close too? i agree all yeshvas should close. i am a teacher and i dont work in any of these schools, but i have students with parents or siblings in all of them! the spread amongst yeshivas is too easy unfortunately even if it is not dangerous its a vius and some ppl have weaker immune systems etc.

  12. #20, Teacher, I’m glad my kids don’t have you! Do you speak English? Your Grammar is poorer than poor!
    #8, bklynmom. It’s seems you don’t understand the value of Torah learning of children and how HaShem cherishes it. The whole nes Purim came about because of the Torah learning of Yidishe Kinderlech! (Other salvations too!)

    This is a sad day! This is the day that Klal Yisrael said “Na’aseh V’nishma!” This is the week of Kabolas HaTorah! Whether the hanhaloh of YTY was right or not is not the discussion of importance in the overall picture!
    Isn’t that the impression you have too? It’s a sad day for the klal Yisroel!
    Let’s reaffirm our commitment to Him and His Torah anew. May we merit the coming of Moshiach so that Kabolas HaTorah of 5,769 will take place at the new Beis HaMikdash!

  13. a gutter yid — Are you for real? or are you dramatizing?
    Rav Yisroel Salanter and gedolim of Europe at times of sickness and plagues permitted eating on Yom Kippur, going home to rest instead of tefillah b’tzibur, etc. Have you contacted any doctors or are aware of the health issues involved?
    BTW Hashem cherishes his helige kinderlach alive, well and functioning and loves the zechusim of limud hatorah from the bedside also. Have you an insider knowledge that the kinderlach that joined Mordechai hatzadik in tefillah included those with viruses, infections and low immune system? What meforesh are you learning?

  14. I just got an automated phone message from Prospect Park Yeshiva telling parents not to send their daughters to school if there are siblings in the family who attend Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel or Magen David. I think that the Board of Ed should be contacted to cancel regents because of all the school closures!!!

  15. DivreiChizuk. Lichvod/Dear Klal Yisrael,
    Now is the time we should all be mispallel to Hashem for each other.We should all increase in our T’feilos-Chesed-Torah learning-Mitzvos- let’s all run to Hashem and call out to Him for His rachamim. Let us remeber Hashem is our Father and He loves us 100%. B’zechus this please Hashem be proud of us & send us a refuah shleima lchol cholei amecha and take us out of this galus b’mehera byameinu Amen!!!

  16. Does this mean that Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel will have to find a temporary place to have their leil Shavuos & all of their Yom Tov minyanim which many people from the public who are not part of the yeshiva daven at?

  17. gutter yid your words of wisdom shall stay in the gutter. How dare you judge the decision of the Menahel who has a responsibility to protect the children and was done al pi daas torah. There is no question that the Torah of Tinokos Shel Bais Raban will protect them in the meantime spare us the Hevel of your Peh

  18. #29 – I am happy to read you saying that it was done al pi Daas Torah. B”H for that. That is the way to do things. Was it Rav Harris Shlit”a the Rosh Yeshiva of Chofetz Chaim who said to close or was it other Daas Torah. Just curious what you know that YWN didn’t publicize.

  19. If the NYC Dept of Health shuts down the schools then its Denay Dimalchusa and they must close. If it is not them then during this week of Kabolas HaTorah we should push and make sure our precious Tinokos Shel Beis Rabbon are Davening and learning. we need their Zchusim.

    Perhaps Hashem is testing us. If so, lets pass the test by not minimizing our Limud Hatorah. Klal Yisroel just took a major hit with the Petira of one of Gedolai Poskim (Rav Bransdorfer ZT”L). We are in a very vulnerable position right now and cannot afford any more tragedies – we need more Torah and more Teffila.

  20. We are in a very vulnerable position right now and cannot afford any more tragedies – we need more Torah and more Teffila. — and a HEALTHY GENERATION OF CHILDREN TO FOLLOW IN THE MESORAH

  21. Flatbush Bubby; if you feel that you have been exposed to ‘Swine Flu/H1N1, then go see your private physician especially if you are ill,(check the CDC.gov website for information). If a doctor confirms that you have the Swine Flu, then that doctor is obligated to report the finding to the NYC Dept. of Health…

    The NYC Schools Chancellor, Joel Klien, working along side the NYC Dept. of Health, has been instrumental in keeping the H1N1 Flu in check by keeping a careful watch on attendance rosters in the NYC public school system. There are updates every day that NYC schools are open (check the website).


    The NYC Dept. of Health has the authority to close any public facility that has the possibility of spreading a communicable disease.

    If a large outbreak does occur in NYC, then the CDC will come in and take over the control and progression of treatments for the subjects who turn up with the H1N1 Flu.

    Whether we are being ‘tested’ or not; the people suffering from the Flu right now need our Davening, this is a Pekuach Nefesh issue.

    So please, no finger pointing, no blaming, no conspiracy theories—just Tehillim.

    Refulah to all the Cholim.

    And, may we hear very good news soon!

  22. Response to Ziggy and bklynmom
    You misunderstood my point!
    Of course the yeshiva did the right thing!
    It’s just very sad that the Satan prevailed and was ablr to stop Torah learning from kinderlech – especially the Torah of kinderlech which is so pure and loved by HaShem. We all need to help fill that void. It’s a sad day for Torah. Tha Satan succeeded!

    (Ziggy, You could be a little nicer! A little Ahavas Yisroel please! This is not a goisher blog!)

  23. if the purpose of closing schools is to prevent the spread of swine flu, which is a relatively mild illness, why are any schools allowed to be open during regular flu season?

  24. Gutter yid if I misunderstood your comments I apologize. My words were harsh because it pains me when I see people constantly knocking our mosdos based on their decisions, which at most may be a miscalculation. Not everything we do is perfect, but does anybody doubt their intentions. These menahelim and mechanchim give their lives for our children. Lets not hand over victory to the Satan the learning will go on where ever it may be and Thank Hashem that IY”H everyone will be well.

  25. to lesschumras,
    swine flu is just like any other flu.
    last year, in NYC, lo aleinu, ~1,200 ppl died with the “regular” flu season, mostly of complications to the flu.

  26. Monday Afternoon Update: Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel will be open tomorrow morning. The Rosh HaYeshiva explained that after consulting with experts they have decided that since keeping the school closed will not contain the flu, since it is already found n the community, there is no reason to keep the school closed.

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