NYC Terror Plot Timeline: How The Investigation Unfolded

su.jpgThe following is timeline of the busted terror plot as reported by the Times Herald Record:

Federal authorities say the plot to bomb two Jewish houses of worship in the Bronx and to blow up military planes at the Air National Guard base at Stewart Airport in Newburgh was in the making for nearly a year.

Officials say the four alleged plotters, Newburgh residents James Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams and Laguerre Payen, had been under surveillance since October 2008.

Here, according to court papers, is how the investigation unfolded:

JUNE: Cromitie meets with a confidential witness at the Masjid al-Ikhlas mosque in Newburgh. Cromitie explains that his parents live in Afghanistan and he’s upset that U.S. military forces are killing many Muslims there and in Pakistan. He expresses an interest in doing “something to America.”

The confidential witness has been working with federal investigators for the past six years. The unnamed witness entered into a cooperation agreement with the feds after pleading guilty in 2002 to participating in a criminal fraud scheme.

Court papers describe information provided by the witness in this investigation and other probes as being “accurate and reliable.”
OCTOBER: Agents of the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force begin to monitor and record with concealed audio and video equipment the plotters’ meetings.

NOV. 29-30: Cromitie travels with the confidential witness to Philadelphia for a meeting of the Muslim Alliance of North America. They discuss the best targets to attack in New York. Cromitie says the World Trade Center, “the best target, was hit already.”

DECEMBER: The plot advances, with discussions involving the need for code words, securing explosives and logistics about scouting out the Air National Guard base.
APRIL 10: Cromitie, David Williams and the confidential witness go to the Wal-Mart in Newburgh to buy a digital camera to photograph several synanogues and Jewish community centers in the Bronx as possible targets. Cromitie comments that bombing one community center would be “a piece of cake.”

APRIL 24: Cromitie and David Williams go with the confidential witness to an area “immediately adjacent” to the Air National Guard base to scout out a location from which they could launch a surface-to-air guided missle. Williams also photographs the airfield and the military aircraft at the Air National Guard base.

APRIL 28: The four plotters meet at a house in Newburgh with the confidential witness to advance their plans.

MAY 1: Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams and Payen go to a cell phone store in Newburgh to buy four new cell phones for their plot.

MAY 6: Cromitie, David Williams and Payen go with the confidential witness to Stamford, Conn., to secure what they believe to be a guided missle system and three improvised explosive devices containing C-4 explosives and bring them back to Newburgh. The Stinger guided missle system was not capable of being fired and the C-4 explosives were inert.

MAY 8: The plotters meet at a Newburgh storage facility to inspect the missle system and to review how to operate it.

MAY 20: Authorities arrest the four.


7 Responses

  1. Dont understand why theyre announcing the whole procedure. Other terrorist, chas vsholom, will now know what to be aware of and whom to avoid if planning an attack.

  2. There seems to be another bunch of arrests that have to be made. The FBI should determine if anyone or everyone in the “Muslim Alliance of N. America” in Philly should be booked for helping the four guys who were caught.

  3. we should recite ‘Veehee she-omda’ this year at the seder with much kavana. ‘shebechol dor vador omdim aleinu lechaloseinu, vHKBH matzilenu miyadam’

  4. An addenda to that. november 29th 2008 was rosh chodesh & shabbos parshas toldos when eisav wants to kill yaakov; april 10th was 2nd day pesach, april 24th was rosh chodesh iyar, april 28th was yom hazicaron, may 8th was pesach sheinu. at every bend and turn that these amalekim wanted to destroy us there were more than usual tefillos said.hakkol kol yaakov will beat the fists of eisav

  5. And then Obama will make sure to free them asap, for they are his beloved bretheren!!! Yemach Sh’mum V’Zichrum!!!!

  6. #6 – What you say is simply ridiculous. Obama is the leader of the most jew-friendly country ever. Have some respect.

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