Agudath Israel Meets with Governor Rick Perry of Texas

at.jpgLast week, Agudath Israel joined with religious leaders from across Texas to meet with Governor Rick Perry in the state capital of Austin.  Rabbi Asher Block, Agudath Israel’s Texas Regional Director coordinated the meeting. Rabbi Yehiel Kalish, National Director of Government Affairs of Agudath Israel and Rabbi Aryeh Feigenbaum, Rav of Congregation Ohr HaTorah-Dallas, along with representatives of the Catholic and Lutheran faiths, also attended.

Governor Perry discussed with the attendees possible strategies to advance school choice legislation in the Texas statehouse. A focal point of the meeting was sharing with Governor Perry the benefits of the proposed Texas Education Tax Credit Scholarship Program. This initiative would enable Texas businesses to take dollar for dollar tax credits on charitable donations to qualifying scholarship granting organizations.  The scholarship dollars will then be allocated to non-public schools.

A long-time vocal proponent of school choice, Governor Perry publicly praised the Jewish community’s active role in grassroots advocacy efforts on behalf of education reform.   Governor Perry also stressed the importance of faith leaders continuing to engage their legislators on the issue and emphasize to them the tremendous benefits of the various school choice programs being considered.  The attendees were appreciative of the time Governor Perry devoted to their meeting and his decision to act immediately to set up a special task force coordinated by the Governor’s staff and led by Mr. Robert Scott, Chair of the Texas Education Agency.

“Agudath Israel values Governor Perry’s commitment to identifying common-sense solutions to the tremendous financial burden of day school tuition that our growing communities in Texas face.  With the Governor’s support, we are eager to make significant progress on the legislation proposed and implementing school choice programs in Texas,” said Rabbi Block. “We look forward to strengthening our relationship with Governor Perry and his staff over the coming months and continuing to work with him to address the challenges facing Orthodox Jews in Texas.

(YWN Desk – NYC

3 Responses

  1. Unlike New York and California, Texas is friendly to religion and fiscally responsible (well, at least it isn’t engaging in suicidal behavior when it comes to public finance). It might be a good idea from frum Jews to look for a way to move out of the parts of the country where we are tolerated, to areas of the country where we might coexist.

    Governor Perry has distinguished himself by opposition to abortion and defending the Boy Scouts against the “gay” activists, not to mention he hasn’t bankrupted his state.

  2. #1:He also refused to take gov’t stimulus money for his state, even though it is struggling, because of all the strings that come along with it. He is very responsible and takes a long term view on him. I believe he will be the man to take us out of Obama in either ’12 or ’16, whenever it will be.

  3. This is grass roots efforts at its very best. Agudas Yisroel has offices accross the country staffed by talented and dedicated Bnai Torah that our community can and should be vey proud of. Offices are currently in Chicago, Texas, Maryland, California, Florida, Ohio, New Jersey and of course in NYC. All of these offices are working under the leadership and direction of Rabbi Yechiel Kalish and are investing in their local communities and making the concerted effort time to build relationships with local and state leaders who one day rise to greater prominenace ala our current President whose meteoric rise from the bottom to the top is already stuff of legend. Local communities must stand up in support of these branch offices to enable them to do great work on oue behalf.

    Akuperma you are absolutly on target with GOv. Perry. Solid record with a bright future. Save this story because he is a rising star.

    Nice job Agudah.

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