Marine Park JCC Endorses Bloomberg For Mayor

blo4.jpgCiting Mayor Bloomberg’s plans to fix the economy, create jobs, keep crime down, and hold government accountable, five influential Marine Park Jewish community leaders endorsed the Mayor’s bid for re-election.  The group includes Jason Sharf, Yehoshua Gelbstein, Steven Spitzer, Steven Traube and Victor Shine, all members of the Jewish Community Council of Marine Park.

“Under Mayor Bloomberg’s leadership, government is responsible to the people,” said Yehoshua Gelbstein, President of the Jewish Community Council of Marine Park.  “311 is a brilliant example of Mayor Bloomberg streamlining government and making it more effective and more accountable.  I support our Mayor because we need leaders who will think out of the box to find creative solutions to the challenges New York City faces.”

“I am supporting Mayor Bloomberg because he is an independent, results-oriented leader,” said Avi Spitzer, Vice President of the Jewish Community Council of Marine Park.  “The Mayor’s innovative Five Borough Economic Opportunity Plan will create jobs and protect our middle class – exactly the type of help New Yorkers need now.”

This group of influential leaders will play an important role in the campaign’s grassroots activity. The endorsement sends a strong signal that prominent Jewish leaders are lining up behind Mayor Bloomberg.

“I am proud that these individuals have signed on to help our campaign,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “I have always been committed to governing in a non-partisan and non-ideological manner because I think it is the best way to move this city forward.  Together, we will find common sense solutions, create jobs, and build on the work we have done on the streets to reduce crime.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. A very smart move on the part of the JCC of Marine Park.

    Yasher Koach to Shea Rubenstein and Jeff Leb for putting this wonderful organization together ! Tizku L’Mitzvos !

  2. People are once again forgetting that Mayor Mike Bloomberg took away our right to vote by extending term limits without allowing the voters to decide. This was done despite the voters voting form term limits not once but twice. Therefore people should vote for Bloombergs opponent no matter who it is even if it is a monkey to make the point that we the voters do not agree with what bloomberg & 29 of the city council members did. Bloomberg, the City Council & any other politician who wants to take away our right to vote in the future will only learn not to do such acts again if they are voted out of office & I don’t understand why all of these organizations are endorsing Bloomberg. I guess these organizations want to lose our right to vote. For the people that say if Bloombergs opponents were in office would do the same thing maybe they would but if that happens we should vote them out also when the time comes. If the voters keep showing their anger & vote politicians that take away our right to vote by keep on voting them out of office eventually they will get the message & stop doing it.

  3. As a recipient of some of the services that the JCC of Marine Park has to offer, I admire them for taking a stand and endorsing the current mayor. I’m pleased that the Mayor of NY recognizes the importance that they play in the Jewish community. Also, I want to publicly thank Jeff Leb and Shea Rubinstein as well for forming such a great organization.

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