US Senators: Peace Without Terror in the Mideast

pa.jpg76 out of the 100 American senators sent a letter to President Barak Obama calling for peace in the Middle East without terrorism, explaining efforts towards regional peace cannot advance for as long as Israel is under attack.
Senators Arlene Specter (Dem), Christopher Dodd (Dem) Johnny Isakson (Rep) and John Thune (Rep) stood behind the move, presenting the American president with a document signed by 195 members of the House of Representatives in addition to the senators.
The lawmakers made mention of the 60 years of conflict that have been Israel’s life, in addition to questioning the president’s decision to link peace talks between the PA and Israel to the Iranian nuclear problem.
“We must also continue to insist on the absolute Palestinian commitment to ending terrorist violence and to building the institutions necessary for a viable Palestinian state living side-by-side, in peace with the Jewish state of Israel”.

“Without a doubt, our two governments will agree on some issues and disagree on others, but the United States friendship with Israel requires that we work closely together as we recommit ourselves to our historic role of a trusted friend and active mediator,” they wrote.

“While the obstacles are formidable, we agree with you that every effort should be made to realize that peace,” the lawmakers wrote Obama.

“We must also continue to insist on the absolute Palestinian commitment to ending terrorist violence and to building the institutions necessary for a viable Palestinian state living side-by-side, in peace with the Jewish state of Israel,” they said.

“The more capable and responsible Palestinian forces become, the more they demonstrate the ability to govern and to maintain security, the easier it will be for them to reach an accord with Israel,” they said, urging Obama to sustain programs of US security assistance and training for the Palestinians.

AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) expressed support for the letter, which calls for “absolute Palestinian commitment to ending terrorist violence…”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. there will never ever be peace without terror in the middle east – until moshiach comes – thats why obama is waiting his time

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