Yeshiva Bochur Struck by Vehicle in Lakewood [UPDATED]

SOL3.gif8:20AM EST: Lakewood Hatzolah are on the scene of a Yeshiva Bochur struck be a vehicle on 8th Street & Madison Avenue. Paramedics have been dispatched to the scene as well.

The extent of the injuries are unknown at this time.

UPDATE 8:30AM EST: The patient is being transported by Hatzolah to the Jersey Shore Trauma Center with serious injuries.

UPDATE 9:45AM EST: The Bochur has been listed in stable condition B”H, and the street has been reopened for traffic.

Lakewood PD is starting an investigation.


7 Responses

  1. Interesting I was there not long before the incident and saw bochurim crossing against the light and decided not to do it myself.

  2. As someone who lived on that block for 6yrs., I can tell you that the intersection of 8th & Madison is very accident prone. Maybe it has to do with the synchronization of the 9th Street & 6th Street traffic lights.
    Does anybody remember the accident on that corner on Tzom GeDalia in 1994 or 1995? The Trailer with the kaporos chickens for BMG parking lot hit a motorcycle. It was lights out for the motorcycle guy.

  3. 6: You know we are not supposed to harrass Egyptians, it’s a pasuk, because they were hosts to us. We are not supposed to speak Lashon Hara about Goyim to stay in practice for Yiddin, same goes for stealing from them. You are rooting for another human being to die? What exact evidence do you have about the helmet? The style? Was there a symbol on it? You know haShem made man btzalmo. How about some hakarah?

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