Petira of Rebbitzen Sheva Bracha Ernster A”H

candle917.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rebbetzin Bracha Ernster A”H on Tuesday evening in Eretz Yisroel at the age of 90. She was the daughter of the Viznitzer Rebbe, the “Imrei Chaim” ZATZAL, and the sister of both Viznitz Rebbes (Monsey & Bnei Brak). She was the wife of Rav Moshe Ernster Shlita. Her son is Rav Menachem Ernster Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva Viznits – and the son-in-law of the Viznitz Rebbe of Bnei Brak.

The Levaya is scheduled for Wednesday morning Yerushalayim, and will proceed to Bnei Brak for Kevura. (Exact details will be posted as they become available to us.)

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

(YWN Desk -Lipas)

3 Responses

  1. Rebbitzen Sheva Bracha Ernster A”H left 4 sons, hrh”z reb zev shlit”a rov of meor chaim in yerushleyim, hrh”z reb menochem shlit”a wiznitzer rosh yeshive in b”b, harav reb yisroel shlit”a from new york son in low of amshinover rebbe zt”l, hrh”z reb eliezer shlit”a rov meor chaim in tzafas; and also 1 son in low hrh”z reb yisroel eliezer adler shlit’a rov of kiryas wiznitz in rechovot
    יהא זכרה ברוכה

  2. Rebbitzen Sheva Bracha Ernster A”H left 4 sons;

    Hrh”z Reb Zev Shlit”a, Rov of Meor Chaim in yerushleyim;

    Hrh”z Reb Menachem Shlit”a, Viznitzer Rosh Yeshive in BB;

    Harav Reb Yisroel Shlit”a, Son-in-law of Amshinover Rebbe zt”l of New York;

    Hrh”z Reb Eliezer Shlit”a, Rov Meor Chaim in Tzafas;

    Also a son-in-law, Hrh”z Reb Yisroel Eliezer Adler Shlit’a of of Kiryas Viznitz in Rechovot.

    יהא זכרה ברוכה

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