Prison Outbreak? 4 More Have Swine Flu At Rikers

prison1.jpgA WCBSTV report: Four inmates at Rikers Island have been confirmed to have the swine flu and four more are considered probable for the virus, Mayor Michael Bloomberg confirmed Tuesday morning.

“Correction and health officials are monitoring the situation and preparing to implement additional health screening and where needed, isolation of ill inmates,” Bloomberg said. “It is in some senses easier to control because obviously the prisoners can’t leave on the other hand, it is also a confined area where we really don’t have the choice of moving people out and asking them to stay home.”

Corrections Officers’ Benevolent Association President Norman Seabrook has suggested since Friday that inmates and staff from the Ann M. Kross Center, as well as the North Infirmary Command, be transferred to other jails until the city completes a full investigation. Seabrook has called on the city to immediately close any facilities where swine flu has been discovered so they can be thoroughly cleaned.

“The entire facility needs to be decontaminated … just like any other facility under the watch of the mayor,” said Seabrook, after a Rikers Island inmate was first hospitalized on Wednesday.

The inmate entered the 2,600-inmate Anna M. Kross Center about a month ago and complained of cough and fever, Morello said. He was transferred to Elmhurst Hospital in Queens and on Friday was diagnosed with a probable case of swine flu, Morello said.

Meanwhile the number of New York City schools ordered closed amid rapidly growing fears of swine flu has grown to 17 after the Health Department annouced four more schools will shut down and two Manhattan private schools said it would be closing its doors as well.

5 Responses

  1. I don’t understand; these are felons which means they have committed extremely serious crimes. So what, who cares? I don’t mean to violate anyone’s constitutional rights but really now; do I have to lose sleep over a bunch of jailbirds suffering from a potentially lethal disease?

  2. Rikers Island is run by the city, and therefore includes people awaiting trials (too poor to post bail, which is what middle class people do while awaiting trial), or serving short sentences. Anyone convicted of a felony is sent to a state prison. By definition, there are no felons at Rikers Island.

    Since the inmates and guards have substantial contact with lots of other people (family, jurors, anyone in the courthouses, etc.), an epedemic there is a serious problem. ALso, since the government locks them up and doesn’t let them keep their jobs while awaiting trial, the government gets stuck with their medical expenses, and if you live in the five boroughs, that means YOU get the bill.

  3. Flatbush Bubby,

    Would you lose some sleep if i told you my shver counsels people there and is now at risk of contracting swine flu, as well as the other frum people that work there? So please think before you make a comment like that.

  4. imrei sheker, Kol HaKavod to your shver. Anyone who tries to bring another Jew back to the Derech is amazing!

    And, for the record, I don’t wish this flu on anyone.

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