Netirei Karta Urges Global Sanctions on Israeli Goods

aco.jpgThe following is from “Fars News Agency”:

“Sanction against Israeli goods must become global,” Rabbi Aharon Cohen, a Neturei Karta member from Manchester, England said, speaking in a conference on “Palestine: Duty of Nations” here in Tehran on Monday.

“We must uproot the regime (Israel), sanctions are not effective unless they are global,” Cohen reiterated.

Condemning Israel’s onslaughts on the defenseless people of Palestine, Rabbi Cohen noted, “We must display that Zionism is bad for all, both for the Palestinians and the Jews as well as the whole world.”

Reminding that Zionism is against Judaism, he stated, “Anti-Zionism does not mean anti-Semitism.”

Neturei Karta (Aramaic for “Guardians of the City”) was founded nearly 70 years ago in Jerusalem by Jews who opposed the drive to establish the state of Israel, believing only the Messiah could do that. Estimates of the group’s size range from a hundred thousand to less than a million.

In recent decades its members have shown up to protest at international conferences and pro-Israel rallies.

For years, pro Israeli Jewish groups tended to dismiss Neturei Karta as eccentrics. Then came the Holocaust conference in Iran, where five members of the group rubbed shoulders with delegates who deny the Nazi slaughter of Jews, but they did not reject the Holocaust. Rather, they spoke in support of the issue very openly, and said that during the World War II, Nazis massacred millions of Jews. A glance through the news – also available on FNA’s Persian Archive – proves this simple fact that they were free to speak their own words and they did during the conference in Tehran.

28 Responses

  1. Estimates of the group’s size range from a hundred thousand to less than a million???????? tuenge in cheek? 10-1000 would b acurate

  2. About a thousand is more like it. And the time has come to state in black and white that all Jews reject them. They are not welcome even in Satmar circles. We should have nothing to do with these nuts, not even count them in a minyan.

  3. I Think this kind of articles just bring Loshon Hora and Hatred among Jews, even they are try.To deal with Neturey Karta, should be done differently, not to publisize they views.

  4. Why are you mechabed this soneh yisroel with the title “Rabbi” when you know that “Rammiy” would be more accurate ?

  5. The previous Satmar Rebbe, Rav Joel Teitelbaum, ZT”L, made it clear that, when Goyim say they are anti-Zionist, they mean anti-Jewish. They mean all of us, including anti-Zionist Satmar Chassidim.

    The distinction only exists with respect to serious Jewish Poskim who base their opinions on the Talmud and the Shulchan Aruch.

  6. Estimates of the group’s size range from a hundred thousand to less than a million.

    thats a 900k difference its like saying a have in my bank an estimate of $1 to a milion dollars

  7. #6 and # 7 this isn’t lashon hara this is lashon tov!!we must let the world know these people are not rabbis there is nothing jewish about them besides that they were born by a jewish mother they are selfish jew hating jews and we disagree with what ever they say.

  8. #13 prove what you are saying. It is the most ridiculous of all the bubba mayses said in the name of the Satmar Rav. Why are people more expert in such stories than in the ACTUAL WRITINGS of the Satmar Rav? Why are people so LAZY?! AND STUPID?

  9. Don’t anyone confuse even anti-Zionist Satmars with these “neturai karta” sonai Yisrael. There can be legitimate reasons to disapprove of modern Zionism, there is NO acceptable reason to ally oneself with the murderers of Jews! They are no better than the anti-semitic scum they are friends with.

  10. #17 prove what your saying!! it isn’t written in any of satmer rabbis sfurim to align with Arabs for any purpose. in fact he through out the shvartza AKA netura karta from his community who tried to be frumer then him,check the facts.

  11. #22 writes “These people are endangering the livesof millions of Jews – not just those in Eretz Yisroel”

    Since you did not bring any proof this may or may not be wrong. But in the sefer min hamaytzer from hazadik rav wiesmandel z”l he writes and he brings proofthe zionist are the ones that caused the killing of millions of us jewes. Also the satmar rebbe reb yoel z”l agreed to this many times in his drushes in shul.

  12. “Estimates of the group’s size range from a hundred thousand to less than a million.”

    Less than a million? The Neturai Karta group which includes all Arabs worldwide, is much more than a million.

  13. this is not the first time that YWN has published material clearly written by a nk-nik, and readers have asked for such articles not to be printed. i was always taught that anyone whose hashkofa is based on what they hate will cause always be angry and hateful. such people are generally very sad and lonely. look at the one from vienna whose wife recently left him. and by looking at the comments is it not clear that these maniacs are simply looking to create more division and conflict amongst yidden? so please please, for the sake of peace, stop posting this garbage.

  14. #25–could you please share this proof?

    Comment by flatbusher — May 18, 2009 @ 5:00 pm

    Look in the sefer min hamaytzer from rav wiesmandel. Also you can get the tapes from satmar rebbe and here it yourself.

  15. #30 Chas Vesholom. Perhaps gilgulim of Shabsai Tzvi and the like, but not of the Meraglim who, despite their “Cheit” were of the Yotsei Mitzrayim and Nesi’im of Klal Yisroel.

  16. Just what Israel and the whole world’s Jewish population needed. It’s enough that there are pro-palestinian groups pushing videos on YouTube of groups going into French supermarkets and removing Israeli products from the shelves.
    I can’t see them bringing Moshiach in the near future with their approach.

  17. PLO (anti semites) in Chasidic garb.
    They should not be allowed amongst jews.
    These are plain poshut anti-semites.
    They should be expelt from amongst us.

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