Lawyer: Detention of Nazi Demjanjuk is ‘Inhumane’

dj23.jpgA lawyer representing John Demjanjuk, the Ukrainian-born Nazi accused of herding Jews HY”D to the gas chambers in a Nazi death camp, said today the pre-trial detention of his client, 89, in Germany was “inhumane.”

In comments to appear Monday in the newspaper Tagesspiegel, Ulrich Busch said he met with Demjanjuk for five hours on Saturday in Munich’s Stadelheim Prison and concluded he was suffering psychologically.

“His detention is a breach of our constitution and of human dignity,” said Busch.

He said Demjanjuk was outwardly robust, but the prosecution was wearing him down psychologically by virtue of having him back in prison after 30 years of resisting charges.

Busch and another lawyer have applied for bail for Demjanjuk.

Demjanjuk was delivered to Munich from the United States on Tuesday to answer accessory-to-murders charges that he worked at Sobibor death camp in Poland as an auxiliary, or guard employed by the SS, during 1943 in a period where 29,000 Jews were killed.

Demjanjuk, who lived in Germany from 1945 to 1952, has not been indicted yet, but prosecutors say a trial may begin within weeks.

The Sobibor camp commandant, Franz Stangl, was jailed for life in 1970 in Germany and died in prison. A German court had tried 11 other Sobibor SS guards in 1965-66, imprisoning six, one for life. One committed suicide during his trial.

(Source: Earth Times)

9 Responses

  1. Lets Make a Deal:

    If he is found COMPLETLY INNOCENT, we will all be the fist one to apologize for the treatment but if not, the lawyer should be forced into the labor etc., that some of inzera elterin had to endure under this shveynhunt.

  2. what a joke ,inhumane, maybe if they shove him into a gas oven just for 5 min then we can discuss ‘inhumane’, or let him be march on freezing ice, barefooted uphill with 200 lb load on his back after eating a few days only (quicksand )soup, or maybe make lampshades out of the skin on his backside

  3. The only thing inhumane is that War survivors have to witness this circus!! This nazi should be thrown into a gas chamber ASAP!!

  4. #4, you are using the same defense that the Nazis ym”s used to defend themselves when they were put on trial.

  5. Wait – correct me if I’m wrong and if I’m understanding the article correctly….. he’s talking about inhumane treatment in a “German detention center?” If so, is he serious? I can understand if the lawyer would make a big stink if it was an American prison/detention center, but a German prison? What in the world does this idiot lawer have to gain? It’s his own people ….. this is where you clearly see “an eye for an eye”

  6. I don’t thnk that they should kill him right away like someone said let him walk on ice,starve for 5 days straight and then walk up the hill and dig out a grave they should give him some of his oun med. May we all be zoche to the geula shelema and may all the survivor show thos ppl that they didn’t finsh us and that they can’t ever finish us cus we will multiply

  7. amzing how shameless people are. they should treat him with same courtesy as he likely treated 89 yr old men back then( Ibeleive the terms about such people were “not worth feeding”expendable” etc. so please gimme a break. Th bastard should know what it is like having parents who never had a loving home let alone grandparents and everybody else that has been missing from our lives over 45 plus yrs. We ought to learn from the pals and nazis how to bemoan our fate day and night and act like criminals in society while excusing our behavior due to past injustices

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