Belzer Community Begins Selling New Hidur Tallis

talis.jpgAfter the long painful process that began with the realization that many of the Turkish talleisim used by the Belzer community contained shatnez, the process to replace them with a new hidur tallis with a hechsher got underway.
The new tallis, labeled the “Belzer Tallis” is promised to include all possible hidurim and minhagim in accordance to Belz tradition. The new garment was manufactured in cooperation with the Talitanya Company and the Belz Machzikei Hadas mehadrin hechsher.
In addition, the price is attractive. In the past, the ‘Turkish tallis’ was sold for about NIS 500 but the new tallis is being made available now for NIS 329 officials report. The tallis marketing officials announce will be available for sale out of Israel as well beginning after Shavuos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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