Out Of The Mailbag: Who Will Stop The Runaway Train?

yw_story_logo2.jpgThis morning we received the press release from Assemblyman Dov Hikind “decrying the seeming apathy of religious institutions opposing same gender marriage legislation.” Well, Good morning Mr. Hikind, nice to have your voice-finally. Unfortunately, the definition of leadership doesn’t mean “follow the herd after the barn door has closed.”

Dov, your hutzpah would be laughable if only this issue and its ramifications not be so disturbing for our State and community.

YWN, to their credit, has posted stories, mailbags and comments in search of and questioning the silence of Dov Hikind on the Toaiva marriage issue for the past many months.

We know from experience that when Dov Hikind wants us to know where he stands on an issue he knows good and well how to communicate it. Dov graduated top of the class from the Chuck Schumer school of broadcasting where the credo is “a microphone is a terrible thing to waste” and to his credit most of those press conferences were on behalf of our community and our issues. So where has Dov Hikind been until yesterday on Toaiva marriage?

For those just returning from Antarctica, Dov Hikind has become the self -appointed warrior advocate for child abuse victims and his work to date has been truly admirable. But as the tragic issue of abuse rages on over the pros and cons of the Markey bill, Dov strategically criticized Agudath Israel and Torah U’msorah for not supporting the Markey Legislation sensing that the people were with him, though I’m not sure he really understood their objection. For the sake of accuracy, Dov is a sponsor of the Markey bill which he staunchly supports, but quietly he’s also a sponsor of the competing Lopez bill also making its way through the legislative process, which has the parts of the Markey bill which the G’dolim objected, removed. When called on it, Dov answered that he’s looking for compromise on the abuse issue, which is if you really read it, exactly what the AI/TU statement really called for in the first place. As an outsider looking in, I call it-hedging your bets and that is what today’s weak statement from him is as well. Let us not be distracted by this “strong” appeal coming out of Mr. Hikinds spin room today. Though his leadership could have rallied the community and its organizations to the cause against same gender marriage, to use his words in the statement “his silence was deafening.” We did not see any organized effort or major political stand from Dov (the kind he is famous for), to stop this bill until the bottom of ninth when the game in the assembly (as usual) was already decided. Today, Dov is looking for leadership from our religious organizations? Come on Dov, we are smarter than that.

We now live in a society where purported leaders, bloggers and rabble rousers use our community organizations as their piñatas when it suits them only to completely disregard them as needed. It is now become fashionable to point fingers for society’s ill’s, instead of rising to the tough challenges. “It’s not my fault where’s the Aguda?” “blame the Rabbi’s” does any of this sound familiar?

Maybe skilled politicians can play both sides of an issue and see where it falls without being called opportunistic, but established organizations worth anything, do not have that same luxury. Dov’s Assembly speech, proudly declaring the Torah and G-d as his moral compass, was indeed a very powerful sermon, though its timing was months late. If that’s enough for him to sleep at night while this Obomination happened on his and Sheldon Silvers’s watch, so be it but, but keep the crocodile tears away and surely stop passing judgment on the actions or inactions of others. Dov does not deserve credit nor does he own enough credibility on this issue (Toaiva marriage) to lay blame at anybody else’s doorstep-today.

Mr. Hikind is the Assemblyman from Boro Park the OU isn’t, neither is the Aguda, or COJO- Dov Hikind is! This is not a controversial issue for our frum community, there is unanimous agreement against it. Previously, both the OU and the Aguda had independently and jointly taken a public position against it. Those organizations would have effectively stood up with him, an assembly insider, had he risen, rallied and made proper use of their influence and abilities. If it’s not too late, lead the charge now to prevent the Senate from doing what “his” house of government, led by the Orthodox Jewish Speaker, Sheldon Silver, inexplicably did to the community’s horror. That Dov finally woke up yesterday, is troubling. That he now questions others is outrageous. I fear the politician protesteth too much.

Chaim Weiss, Brooklyn NY

8 Responses

  1. Thank you Mr. Weiss. Thank you YWN for posting this letter.

    I wish to add that if you watch the Sermon Mr. Hikind gave what is amazing to see is that Dov himself says that if it were solely up to him he would perhaps agree to this bill because he wants people to be happy. He likes when people are happy. It is only because of the Torah that he is against this.

    Dov you blamed your decision and reason for the stand you took on our holy religion. Don’t blame it on Hashem. Say it straight that you personally feel such a lifestyle is disgusting.

    I still stand on my principal from all of the other postings on this topic. hikind did his deed. R’ Levine said his thing and I have my personal feelings of disgust on the whole mess but I will do nothing in a public way until I am told by those whom I turn to for guidance.

    And by the way, why does everything get blamed on the ultra frum by our own people. Has anyone asked what the position of Yeshiva University is taking on this? Check out what Dr. Lamm is on record saying about this bill and that may well explain why Sheldon Silver is fine with the stand he has taken. Two peas in a pod.



    The Tragic Effects of the Proposed “GayMarriage” Legislation in NY State

    1. All sides agree that such a law will set up an irreconcilable conflict between the right to free religious expression and the right to unlimited sexual license, a newly-created “Civil Right,” which top legal scholars, such as Robert Bork, agree will easily overcome—and ultimately destroy—competing religious rights.

    2. This means that religious groups who consider homosexuality immoral and religiously forbidden will feel compelled to close down many of their vital services. Catholic Charities in Boston has closed down its adoption service, rather than obey the State “GayMarriage” law that forces them to serve homosexual “couples.” Our country will lose the crucial services of its faith-based institutions.

    3. Religious schools and businesses will be deprived of their right to avoid being flooded with homosexual propaganda and affirmative action mandates.

    4. The logic of legally-legitimized sexual license will inexorably lead to the legitimization of even more bizarre perversions of sexual activity, such as incest, pedophilia, polygamy, and three-man “GayMarriages.” The inexorable logic of the “GayMarriage” perversion will force the courts to legalize everything.

    5. By officially recognizing “GayMarriage,” we signal our societal approval, which will lead—inevitably—to an increase in the number of children who choose homosexuality, a lifestyle fraught with physical and psychological disorders, with a suicide rate three to four times as high as normal. Compassion alone should urge us to protect our young people from such a tragic and dangerous choice.

    6. When traditional marriage is so demeaned, being perceived to be just one more sexual arrangement among others, the link between marriage, procreation, and family is broken, creating a persistent decline in traditional marriages, as evidenced by the Swedish experience, spawning children who use drugs, engage in crime, and form unstable relationships of their own, pathologies which affect everyone in the community.

    7. The argument that “If you don’t like it, don’t do it!” is fatally flawed, because whether you do it or not, you will be affected by those who do. To say that, if you don’t like the popular culture then turn it off, is like saying, if you don’t like the smog, stop breathing. Even kids in Amishtown know about Madonna.

    8. And, finally—like it or not—we will pay a heavy price for defying G-D’s obvious design for successful living in this world He created. People who believe they can defy natural laws– like gravity–with impunity, are in for an unpleasant surprise!

  3. #2 – We agree! My point on Lamm is he is NOT Daas Torah but everyone is blaming the Aguda leaders. Mt question was why are we going after just the Aguda. Go after Lamm!!!!! Problem is he agrees with the bill and supports it so Hikind can’s call on him. Levin is also NOT Daas Torah. So we both agree.

  4. 26 estates (NO 4): “Levin is also NOT Daas Torah.”


  5. #5 – Do you know Rabbi Levin? Have you met him? Why not ask him who he goes to for Hadracha? Once you have the answer get back to us and let us all know if you want to stick to your statement.

  6. “Do you know Rabbi Levin? Have you met him? Why not ask him who he goes to for Hadracha?” 26 estates (no. 6)

    I know Rabbi Levin quite well. He follows the Hadracha he personally received from Rav Moshe Feinstein,Rav Avigdor Miller, Kashauer Rav, Debreciner Rov,ZT”L, and many other Gedolim of today, who he consulted here and in Eretz Yisroel.

    Rav Miller,ZT”L,once blessed him in public, as follows: “SeCharCha HarBey MeOd!.”

  7. #7 – you have no idea what you are talking about!!!!! first you list Rabbonim not even alive today so how can he get Hadracha from them. How about telling us who he follows today.

    Do you live in Flatbush? Have you been to his Shul? Have you heard his speeches” His choice of words? topics? Have you met his family? If you can answer yes to these questions please share with us where the Hadracha today comes from. If you cannot answer yes to these questions then learn the Rambam on this weeks Parsha on the the Posuk in Bechukosai of Im Bechukosai Timasu (26:15) you will see quite clearly a reason for our Golus.

    ….and by the way, I hope you know on what topic it was that Rav Miller said what he said. If not check it out!

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