GOP Senator Hopeful Regrets Calling Schumer ‘That Jew’

Schu1.jpgState Sen. Kim Hendren, R-Gravette, the candidate for the U.S. Senate who admits to being gaffe-prone, says he regrets statements he made last week at the monthly Pulaski County GOP meeting, where he referred to Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., as “that Jew.”

The statement was first reported on the political blog the Tolbert Report after Jason Tolbert called Hendren to ask him about negative reports about his speech made by people attending via Twitter.

“I don’t speak with a TelePrompTer, and if I had, that reference would have never made it in there,” said Hendren in an interview with the Arkansas News Bureau. “I know I referred to him as Jew or Jewish and I should not have done that. I got my foot in my mouth.”

Hendren said that he was referring to Schumer’s comments made on the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC, in which he said that “American traditional values” were behind them, a point Hendren says he strongly disagrees with.

“I was simply making a point about those two points. I believe in those traditional values like Andy Griffith, Aunt Bea, Barney and Opie,” Hendren said. “But now all that was lost with this statement.”

“I don’t care if he’s Jewish, Muslim, Catholic or whatever,” Hendren said. “Although I said there was another Jew that I did agree with, and that was JC.”

(Source: Arkansas News)

15 Responses

  1. Baloney – sounds like an Antisemitic slur to me – he just got caught!

    BTW – If you agree that it is a slur to which we should object, AND if you also use or defend use of “Schvartze” (“Common, it means Black, which is what they like to be called, ya know”) – this is a perfect opportunity for you to explain the principles that shtim the two positions.

  2. Mr. State Senator, please watch what comes out of your mouth. Do you want the Jewish vote? Remember Al D’Amato!

  3. #2

    This is Arkansas, the Jewish vote is miniscule. When you head down into Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, etc. with no Jewish voters, politicians shoot their mouths off fearlessly.

  4. I just looked up on the Internet the legislative profile of This Redneck. His email is [email protected] and his office phone is 479-787-6500. We should all send him fan mail (as along as it reflects well on Yidden).

  5. My dear fellow Jews!

    Wake up and smell the coffee. Anti-Semitism is rearing its ugly head in this great United States of America. We keep forgetting our history over and over…..

  6. I don’t see why anyone is making such a big deal about his comment.

    Chuck Shumer is a tremendous embarrassment to the frum community. He stands for everything that’s wrong in society today.

    The real problem is that in Arkansas, the only Jews they see are those who don’t represent Torah Judaism. If they would have seen a Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L or Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L, the only words that they’d have for Jews would be praise.

    We keep forgetting that we in Boro Park, Williamsburg or Monsey are not causing Anti-Semitism in the USA. It’s those liberal Jews that stand for everything wrong who are causing hatred against us. Look at every leftist organization and you’ll see liberal secular Jews heading them.

    Let’s NOT send this redneck any hate mail. Why prove his point? Instead, show him what true Jews are and send him a link to (or some other website expounding Torah values).

  7. Yeah #6 – And the presence of anti-Black slurs shows that “…slavery is rearing its ugly head in this great United States of America.”

    And this is a “…great United States of America…”

    Too many of you have no sense of how different this country is, how radical it was when founded, how it has been a model – literally a constitutional model – for most modern democracies, how lucky we are to live here – and HOW IN MOST COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD YOU WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO MAKE SARCASTIC SLURS AGAINST YOUR COUNTRY . . . BECUASE THEY’D COME AND TAKE YOU AWAY!!!

    This health of this website, as well as many of the intolerant comments about the President, the Country, the Mayor, etc., that can be found here, are great evidence of how uniquely good this country really is.

  8. And kahane_was_right – In all due respect, you are delusional. All you need to to is listen to CB traffic in this part of the world to understand that it is chareidim who, rightly or wrongly, illicit antisemitism – not the assimilated, liberal or not. Pretty soon you’ll blame liberals for potholes. Get a life.

  9. #7 – “Let’s NOT send this redneck any hate mail?” Noone said amything about hatemail. Do you know how to communicate without hate?

    I emailed him this.

    “Sen. Hendron:

    With one wisecrack you have done much to undermine my arguments to friends that all folk from Tennessee aren’t biggoted antisemetic rednecks. Well done, Sir”

    And I signed off with my name, identifying myself as frum Yid – from a family of military vets – and one who works with law enforcement

  10. You all forget that Hillary Clinton has said far worse than this rasha and SHE was voted in as a senator for NY?

  11. We shouldn’t provoke more hatred against us by fighting it inappropriately that is always counter productive he might be an anti-Semite or it could just be a slip of the tongue
    as far as Schumer concerns he is one of the reasons anti-Semitism is all about. an empty bottle which makes allot of irritating noise.

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