Paterson’s Approval Rating Still Tumbles

pate42.jpgNYS Governor David Paterson’s historically high disapproval rating is getting even worse.

According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, the governor’s disapproval rating is 61 percent. That is one point worse than a month ago and the lowest rating ever recorded for a New York governor.

Only 28 percent of responders approved of the governor’s performance.

In a potential Democratic primary against State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, Paterson would get trounced 62 to 17 percent.

If Paterson were to win the Democratic nomination and face former mayor Rudy Giuliani in the general election, Paterson would lose again by 54 to 32 percent.

A Cuomo-Giuliani election scenario found the attorney general winning by a margin of 47 to 41 percent, although Giuliani has narrowed the gap by more than 10 percentage points in the past month.

Quinnipiac surveyed more than 2,800 registered voters statewide this past week.

(Source: NY1)

3 Responses

  1. Could his active support for and imminent passage of the Toeva marriage law be behind this? Perhaps Shelly Sliver will be the next to go.

  2. “According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, the governor’s disapproval rating is 61 percent.”

    It couldn’t happen to a more deserving rasha than him.

  3. i would think so as he is the governor of a large jewish (frum) community and we don’t exactly approve of him making gay marriages legal!

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