JUST IN: Dov Hikind Will Vote ‘No’ On Toeiva!

hikind2.jpg3:25PM EST: As YWN reported earlier Tuesday, the NYS Assembly will be debating the same-gender-marriage bill today starting at around 3:30PM. YWN has just confirmed that NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind will be speaking out against it, and voting NO! on the measure.

The legislative proceedings can be viewed live at: http://assembly.state.ny.us/av/

Further details will be posted following the vote.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Has he ever voted in favor it before??????

    Given his district, and the fact he has no chance for higher office within the Democratic party, it is a zero risk situation for him.

  2. Thank-you Mr. Hikind! But representing Boro Park and receiving e-mails from your constituents helps too.

  3. TO ASKAN:

    Dov reads the Jewish blogs, especially Yeshiva World, which also publishes his press releases.

    He is well aware that tens of thousands of people, all over the world read yeshiva World, and he doesn’t take this site lightly.

  4. Mr. Hikind Frum Yidden all over the world who wish to stop this Toeivoh from happening in one of the biggest Jewish communities support your decision!

  5. He spoke well but blamed his reason for voting against this bill on the Torah. He said he has a moral obligation to follow the Torah and if not for the Torah saying this is an abomination and he was in a position to vote based on how he felt then perhaps he would vote for it because he wants people to be happy.

    It was a pretty good sermon but not where he said he is disgusted, it is the Torah that says he must vote against this bill.

    B”H he represented the Torah well but I am not sure what the conventional wisdom on he as a person will be.

  6. The NY State Assembly passed a bill to legalize toeiva, now its onto the senate, patterson has already announced he wud sign the bill as he did introduce it just over a month ago

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