Neo-Nazis Screaming ‘Heil Hitler’ Attack Concentration Camp Survivors

nn.jpgSurvivors of a Nazi death camp were shot at and abused as they gathered to remember their liberation.

Masked neo-Nazi thugs screamed ‘Heil Hitler!’ and ‘This way for the gas!’ at ten elderly Italian men and women, who returned to the site of the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria.

The gang also fired air guns at a group of 15 French survivors, many dressed in the striped pyjama-style uniforms they wore as inmates. One suffered a head wound while another was injured by a shot in the neck. The four thugs managed to escape.

Jewish leaders in Austria were appalled by the weekend scenes that marred events marking the 64th anniversary of the camp’s liberation by American troops.

An estimated 320,000 people were murdered or worked to death at Mauthausen and its outlying slave labor installations.

Jewish leaders condemned Saturday’s incidents, which marred events marking the 64th anniversary of the camp’s liberation by U.S. troops.

The attacks came near the Ebensee sub-camp of Mauthausen on Saturday in two separate incidents involving Italian and French survivors
‘In the first instance a group of French survivors were attacked by four  armed men clad in camouflage gear,’ said Willy Mernyi, head of the Mauthausen Committee of Austria.
‘The attackers shot at the group of fifteen survivors with what police assume was plastic air gun pellets. One person was hit in the head while another was injured by a shot in the neck.

The second incident happened a short time later when 10 Italian survivors who gathered nearby for a similar ceremony were attacked. While they were not fired on, the neo-Nazis again hurled abuse and shouted Nazi slogans while giving the Hitler salute.

Regional police chief Alois Lissl said the men managed to escape but we know that they spoke in a local  dialect. Ebensee mayor Herwat Loidl condemned the modern-day Nazis, declaring: ‘They will not be allowed to gain a foothold in our community.’

He called on Austrians with information as to the identities of the thugs to turn them in.

Some 7,000 Mauthausen survivors and their families from 42 countries travelled to the Mauthausen complexes at the weekend for the remembrance services.

(Source: Daily Mail)

10 Responses

  1. we should not be shocked that is the world we live in noting change it is only a differant date and year the rest stayed the same

  2. Azi, get a life! stop telling people where to get there news from, they are doing us a favour by not having to look elsewhere. for you who obviously looks elsewhere dont bother looking her, this siteis not made for you!

  3. Azi,

    I am just surprised that after reading such a frightening piece of news, your gut reaction is disgust at the source instead of the story itself!

  4. As classic Liberal I defend both the free speech of these rashoim and my responsibility to accept the consequences if I went after them with a baseball bat – I am the son and son-n-law of survivors – once 27 years plus ago I decked an NJT conductor who muttered “H—-r should have gotten more of you Jews.” I was briefly detained by NJT Police, but when they learned what had happened they let me go….with an apology!

  5. Wolffman, Why do you defend this free speech from these rashoim? Free speech is contrary to the Torah. Just because America has it in the constitution that does not give a frum yid the right to support free speech. If you want to discover more about the prohibition of free speech, take a look at what the Chofetz Chaim has to write.

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