NY Assembly To Support Toeiva Marriage Bill Today

pate41.jpgAlbany, N.Y. – Just as they did two years ago, Assembly Democrats are poised today to pass a same-gender marriage bill. When that happens, the focus will shift to the Senate.

Even opponents expect easy passage in the Assembly, where Democrats hold a super majority.

In the Senate, Democrats have a 32-30 margin. But at least one Democrat, conservative minister Ruben Diaz Sr., is opposed and is helping to organize a demonstration by clergy against gay marriage.

Yet after years in which it appeared the proposal would never reach the Senate floor, supporters see movement and opponents see some wavering under intense lobbying from both sides.

“We have a significant amount, but I know it’s not 32 (votes),” said Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith. “We’re working on that. We’re clearly moving in the right direction.”

Democratic Sen. Thomas Duane, a leader on the issue for years, said he believed it would pass “by a majority and a few to spare.”

“The vast majority of Democrats will vote in favor of it, and several Republicans will vote in favor,” said Duane, of Manhattan.

Some Senate Republicans, who were part of the previous majority, which had in unison blocked Toeiva marriage bills, say they are still weighing the arguments.

A Siena College poll in April found 53 percent of voters wanted a same-gender marriage bill. The sentiment was strongest among Democrats, and Democrats are growing in numbers even in traditionally Republican Senate districts.

Four states allow same-gender marriages: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Iowa and Vermont.

(Source: Times Union / Albany Times)

16 Responses



    P.S. State Senator Tom Duane is an open pratitioner of Toeva himself, represnting Greenwich Village in Manhattan. He is also the lead sponsor of the Markey bill to allow Mosdos hatorah to be sued for real or imagined abuses 30 years after the fact, leading to bankruptcy in endless legal proceedings. He has specifically exempted the Public Schools, where the overwhelming majority of such abuses take place, from any liability.

    The Orthodox (and Catholic) leaders will be kept busy with lawsuit, preventing them from working to stop the new Toeva laws.

    Do you now understand the connection between these two bills?

  2. As usual they are afraid to do what is the right thing to do according to the Constitution which is to LET THE PEOPLE VOTE on these things.

  3. #2 also, does anyone care to connect the tzoros coming to the velt. As the toivah issue gains more acceptence so does the midas hadin pile up more tzores….WTC 1993, 9/11, kathrina floods ,financial meltdow and now swine flu. ‘rishoim afilu al pischun shel gehnom ainon choizrim’ ‘kolmokom shata roeh zenus (toaivh beklall ….anderolnomos ba leolam v’hoges raim v’tovem’ rashi p. noach

  4. Is this really where you want to raise your children? How much, and for how long, do you think you can insulate them from the tuma because they go to yeshivas and you live in Boro Park, Flatbush, Williamsburg, etc.??? Stop hiding your head in the sand. Yes, its true, Eretz Yisrael today is very far from perfect, BUT moving to a frum town there is INFINITELY better for your kids than staying here. You can make a million excuses and kid yourself, but you are doing it on the cheshbon of your children and future generations. Think about it!

  5. #2 you are on the mark. The tragedy of abuse while sickening,cannot be used as a precursor for the downfall of Yeshivos.The statistics of California do not apply in NY. Mosdos are being put in harms way, how is that good for any of us?
    Tom Duane could care less about our Yeshiva children or our community. Let us frame the Markey debate clearly- abusers should be brought to justice and locked up no question but any bill that threatens our Mosdos in the guise of protecting kids,when the bill does no such thing, must be fought.It is a poorly written bill that has, like all bills, redeeming qualities and parts that are unacceptable for our community. Let us find common ground and actually protect our kids.Let us keep this disagreement civil and stop the personal attacks against individuals and organizations that don’t agree that Markey is the way to go (for all of our community).
    That the abuse victims movement are so angry is understandable but at the same time the community must unite to defeat the common enemy – abusers! not the community institutions (schools) that have heroically and successfully educated our children for decades with the support and assistance of Klal Yisroel’s great organizations.Yes, abuse is a real issue that effects real people and must be acknowledged and dealt with but not at the catastrophic cost of financial collapse. Don’t accept or allow the slander against Gedolim and Daas Torah that they “don’t care about our children” it is a disgraceful lie and weakens the credibility of those who are fighting the good and honorable fight to really protect children!

  6. TO ASKAN (NO 4):

    I’m sorry, but Dov Hikind should not be given a pass. He’s not as stupid and ignorant as you imply. He’s a very saavy and sophisticated politician. Don’t underestimate him.

    He knows very well who Tom Duane is, and what his true motivations are for introducing the Markey/Duane bill.–He is targeting the religious community, the only real source of opposition to the Toeva movement, acknowledged to be the main source of child abuse.

    His silence on the Toeva bill, and his support of Tom Duane is very disturbing. Both he and Shelley Silver–another “Orthodox” Jewish politician–are acting against the interests of the religious Jewish community.

    They are selling out our community for their personal ambitions.

  7. how does anyone know that hikind wont vote against and i quote “The vast majority of Democrats will vote in favor of it, and several Republicans will vote in favor,” said Duane, of Manhattan. so even if hikind does vote against you have the republicans that will vote for it

  8. #8 do not think for a second that I’m giving Dov or Shelly a pass. My comments above were striclty aimed at the negative tone and tenor of the Markey debate that tragically and unfortunately pits abuse survivors against our Gedolim.
    As for Dov Hikind, his crusade for children is admirable though he only operates in a “my way or the highway”. He refuses to hear the other side of the argument though he himself is a sponsor of Markey and the Lopez bill. He claims he’s for a compromise on Markey but so far I don’t see it.

    As for same gender unions, we as a community must be realistic. Toaiva marriage is not our issue. Its not.The Toaiva rights community is very powerful, organized and wealthy and have been successful in putting their agenda front and center after years of fighting for their cause. On principle we must fight them because our job on this earth is make and stand up for Kiddush Hashem and if this happens on our watch, we let it happen.Instead of strengthening our advocacy organizations many take great delight in ripping them (Agudah OU YI etc..) at every opportunity buts thats a converstaion for a different time.
    However, while not giving him a pass at all,Shelly Silver must pick and choose his fights with his conference. Above all he is a political surviver and knows well what he must do to stay in power.I’m not saying he s right in his approach but we don’t walk in his shoes and so we have no understanding what he goes through to protect himself and our community.I’m not his or Dov’s defender but politics is just that politics-survival of the craftiest.

  9. The Torah states “Lo Tov HeYos HaOdomLeVaDo.”

    HaShem tells us that the key to our happiness is to be married.

    That is the danger of the Toeva movement. They are undermining the basis of human happiness and success, according to G-D’s plan for Mankind.

  10. “…but politics is just that politics-survival of the craftiest.” (No.11)

    Dear Askan, you seem to be very well informed on these issues, but I take issue with your statement, quoted above.

    If we Jews simply played pragmatic politics thrugh 2,000 years of our Golus history, we would be history now.

    We survive only because “HaKoDosh Baruch Hu MatziLeinu MeYoDom.”

    Our main focus must always be: How can we please HaShem, and keep him close to us, so that he will protect us and give us him unlimited blessings.

    Of course, we have to be wise and practical, but not when it involves a desecration of G-D’s name–keeping silent on this pressing moral issue, while other religious groups fight to the finish.

    Dov Hikind cannot hide under the table and hope that nobody notices. He represents the largest Orthodox Jewish community in the United States. He should be using all his ample public relations resources to shout-out our opposition to Toeva.

    His silence indicates approval, regardless of how he finally votes.

  11. Deepthinker, you are arguing with me for the sake of arguing. We agree on most of these issues though your deficit here is understanding the realities of NY politics. Don’t get upset at me but,your being a bit naive. You are expecting high levels of Yiras Shomayim from these politicians and your angry and disappointed that they are not measuring up. Your idealism is noble,unfortunately its the practicality that’s unattainable at least with these guys. I do admire your passion.Keep fighting for your beliefs.

  12. Dear Askan: (no. 14)

    You’re right. We can’t expect our political representatives to be of the same caliber as Rav Meir Shapiro, ZT”L, who represented Polish Jewry in the Polish Parliament.

    That’s why it’s the job of Agudas Yisroel and other Hareidi groups, led by their Gedolim, to give guidance to these politicians and to demand that they represent their constituencies in the public square.

    It is a deriliction of responsibility by our organized group representatives–especially those who claim to be led by Gedolei Torah–to allow people who are elected to represent our communities to sit on their hands and–by their silence–allow a flood of immorality and indecency to be unleashed on us and on our children, R”L.

  13. The Markey issue is an extremely emotionally charged issue. It’s not just as simple as victims vs. Gedolim (#11). It might be an issue the gedolei America have come out against, but the Gedolei eretz Yisroel are supporting the victims and their advocates in their fight. So it’s not pashut. It’s a very sad and tough issue.

    But, the toeivah issue is clearly something a politician must learn when to fight and when to keep silent. If Shelly goes against the tide in this issue, he may very well lose his power given to him. So, for one issue that is not affecting our community, we might lose out when a more pressing issue presents itself.

  14. Deepthinker,
    The Agudah had months ago come out with a forceful statement against Toeiva marriage here in NY and in California. I believe YWN even posted both. Last week the Agudah and the OU again came out “together” strongly opposing it.However, our community organizations are really limited in their ability to fight on this issue since our community opposes ss marriage on moral grounds and we are living in an a-moral world.Religion in America is an endangered species and the politicians know it.
    Dov Hikind does not really care what anybody says and he he is above answering to them, its his constitusnts in mostly Chasidic Boro Park that have the most sway over him and must demand his outcry.

    a message to all who may read this-
    If you care about Klal Yisroel and you understand the tremendous value of our very talented organizations like the Agudah, OU, Young Israel, etc… and want these very dedicated community groups to fight our battles from strength
    (and win), the community must stand firmly behind them with financial and moral support and vote!!! Stop the bash and smash mentality when things dont work out exactly as one would like. These groups like anything else important, need our support.
    We are failing in many areas because we are not united.
    Your statement deepthinker:
    “It is a dereliction of responsibility by our organized group representatives–especially those who claim to be led by Gedolei Torah”

    To cast blame for the failures of our Tzibbur to successfully fend off all of society’s depravity, is really unfair.Askonis and advocacy is a never ending fight. Stop blaming and just keep on fighting. Blame is lame.

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