10 Live Links From Meron [UPDATED]

meron111.jpgTens of thousands of people are currently making their way to Har Meron in honor of Lag Ba’Omer. All are eagerly awaiting the “Hadlakah” by the Boyaner Rebbe Shlita – which is just moments away.Below is a live link to the festivities which are going to be taking place shortly at Meron. Please be advised that this link is in no way affiliated with YWN, and we are not responsible for any technical difficulties that may occur. Please note, that due to the tremendously high volume of people logging on the same time, the link may not work that well.

(Additional links my be posted shortly)

Link 1: Click HERE
Link 2: Click HERE
Link 3: Click HERE
Link 4: Click HERE
Link 5: Click HERE
Link 6: Click HERE
Link 7: Click HERE
Link 8: Click HERE
Link 9: Click HERE

Link 10: Click HERE

(YWN Desk – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. how come it doesnt open by me? is anyone else having problems? i really want to see it!
    also the first clip opened by me but there was no sound…

  2. (hate to sound like a litvak) – but is it ok to listen to this since by us its not lag bomer -? does it go where we are or where they are?

  3. The beauty of miron is the expression of KLal Yisroel in it’s purest form! There’s no i’m ashkenazy sephardi chasid litvak… It’s i’m a jew! a yid and i belong to klal yisroel! The ari hakodosh said that rashbi had the soul of moshe Rabbenu. It’s obviously so from the above.No other article of judaism draws such a variety of jewish background while all claiming This is our day! Chazak!!! My being may be here but my soul is there with all of you with each and every piece of klal yisroel!

  4. “Although (L”G b’Omer is )not tied to any Halacha”

    True, but tied to the entire Torah b’chlalus.

    When Chachomim declared b’Ruach Kodshom that due to the length and severity of the current golus that the TOrah was destined to be forgotten Rashbi pomised that No I have the koach to maintain the flame alive – Ki Lo Sishochach miPi Zaro – in spite of it all. THis is what we are celebrating. It is those who do not connect to Rashbi in some form who are indeed in danger have the TOrah cholila forgotten from them.

  5. “Although (L”G b’Omer is )not tied to any Halacha”

    ON second thought – not true.

    1) no tachanun 2) lag b’omer breaks the aveilus of sefira.

    Now unless you are a completely hopeless Domo marigato Mr. Roboto misnaged, you understand on your own that in order to accomplish 1 & 2 (especially 2) you need an apriori, eo ipso, et al, a fortiori, bellus causus, cassius clay, CAUSE of simcha. W/o which you cannot break tachanun and/or a hanhogo of aveilus.

    And in case that is not enough, the Ramo says explicitly in 493 that “marbim bo ktzas simcha” now his loshon is seemingly an internal contradiction – Marbim and kztas is an oxymoron. Efsher the pshat is as opposed to the standard mitzva of Simcha as expressed on Yom Tov d’Oraysa – Fleish ‘n Wine/SHalmei CHagiga b’zman haBayis – On Purim there is a seuda and even on Chanuka there is an inyan brought down in Halocho of Seuda if acompanied by Zemiros – on Lag b’Omer there is no inyan of a seuda. This is the ‘ktzas simcha’ we celebrate by dancing/singing and other forms of merriment but not with the full simcha used on Yom TOv – Meat and Wine (or stam a seuda like on Purim/CHanuka).

    Al Kol Ponim, forte allegro addagio, this is a Halocho as brought down by Ramo in OC 493.

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