Unidentified Bidder Interested In Rubashkin Plant

rubashkin.gifAn unidentified company has made a move toward buying a the Rubashkin meatpacking plant in Postville.

The plant, Agriprocessors, was the region’s dominant employer until last May, when it was the site of a huge immigration raid. It went into bankruptcy last fall. Its future has been in doubt since March, when an attempt to auction it failed to attract an offer that would satisfy the company’s creditors.

Bankruptcy Trustee Joseph Sarachek declined to say who the new bidder is. He said the company bought out a $10 million line of credit from First Bank Business Capital, which was Agriprocessors’ biggest creditor.

Sarachek said First Bank still has an interest in the bankruptcy case because of money it lent to the meatpacker before the bankruptcy case was filed.

Sarachek said he continues talking to other potential buyers. He declined to say how much the mystery company paid to buy out First Bank’s credit line. He called the move “a first step toward going ahead with a sale.”

He said the process could move forward quickly, but other creditors would have to approve any deal.

Federal prosecutors probably would have to approve any deal as well. The prosecutors are pressing charges against Agriprocessors’ former leaders, and they have threatened to seize many of the company’s assets as part of the criminal case. They have said they would approve a sale only if the buyer had no connection to the previous owners.

A spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office declined comment on whether prosecutors have been consulted about the potential buyer who bought out First Bank’s loan.

Several potential buyers have appeared in the past, but no deal has been reached.

(Source: The Des Moines Register)

3 Responses

  1. Why can’t the Rubashkin family who built it be involved in its restructure albeit a different operations officer – something similar to what Amazing Savings did? They were mammish moser nefesh to bring kashrus to all areas of the country. It’s so sad to see them go under for charges other than their inability to run the company efficiently.

  2. Does anyone remember the ‘Five Towns’ issue? Look up Gourment Glatt Emporium and The Vaad of the Five Towns…

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