Otisville, NY: Inmates At Can Now Email Friend & Family

jail1.jpgJailbirds across the country have finally got mail.

The federal prison system is allowing inmates to contact the outside world via e-mail, under a program that is now in place in lockups across the country.

“It’s a way for inmates to still keep in touch with their families and still maintain community ties,” said Bureau of Prisons spokeswoman Felicia Ponce.

The program now gives e-mail access to some 50,000 inmates in 34 prisons, including Otisville in New York.

The bureau says the mail is tightly monitored to make sure that no convicts are trying to scam from behind bars.

The program started as an experiment in 2005 and is expected to be in place in all federal prisons by 2011.

The program will not use tax money but will be paid for by the Inmate Trust Fund, which is made up of profits from the inmates’ commissary.

(Source: NY Post)

5 Responses

  1. If it will be unlimited then outsiders will be able send them chizuk via email. Until now telephone usage was limited.

  2. for more information visit http://www.bop.gov/inmate_programs/trulincs_faq.jsp basically, there are rules of who & what, here are a few excerpts

    Inmates are limited to sending and receiving electronic messages only from individuals on their approved contact list. An inmate must request to exchange electronic messages with a person in the community by placing that person on their contact list. If staff approve the inmate’s request to exchange electronic messages, the system generates a message to that person advising them of the request and gives the prospective contact the option of accepting or rejecting the request and any future electronic messages from that particular inmate; or rejecting the request and any future electronic messages from any Federal inmate. The inmate will be notified of the requested contact’s reply action, and messaging may begin if approval is received from the contact.

    No attachments, it may not exceed 13,000 characters, Any attachments sent with electronic messages will be stripped and not delivered to the inmate.

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