Police Report Slaughter’s Bobov Yeshiva Over Dead Cow Head

cow1.jpgA Yeshiva in Monsey made headlines earlier this week, when neighbors called police to report that “students and teachers at the Bobover Yeshiva had tied a cow to a tree and were slaughtering it”.

Today, the Journal News claims that police found “blood-splattered walls, and a cow head found inside the yeshiva classroom”.

The following is the article:

When police arrived at a yeshiva to investigate a report of a cow being slaughtered and strung from a tree, they found the animal’s head and entrails in boxes inside a nursery school classroom, according to documents released today.

Blood was splattered on the walls of the classroom, above where yellow toy trucks were stored, according to photographs taken by Ramapo police. The animal’s head and innards, as well as rope and blood-covered knives were in separate card board boxes inside the classroom.

The photographs and police report were obtained today by The Journal News under the Freedom of Information law.

When officers got to the Bobover Yeshiva at 6:42 p.m. Monday, they spoke to Jacob Honig, who was in the process of butchering a cow, according to the report.

Honig told officers that he was learning to be a kosher butcher and was practicing on the animal, which he purchased at Rubin’s Livestock in Monticello, N.Y., according to records.

Honig told officers that he had gotten permission to use the school on Route 306 from Shlomoar Bochner of Monsey, who is on the yeshiva’s board of directors.

Bochner was at the school while the cow was slaughtered, but had left before officers got there, according to the report.

Police were able to contact Bochner, who confirmed that he had given permission for the butchering to take place at they yeshiva.

“Bochner stated that he didn’t see any problem with it and didn’t think anyone would be able to see it,” according to the report.

A lawyer for the Bobover Yeshiva said yesterday that school officials were unaware of the incident and did not give permission for the slaughter to take place on school grounds.

(Lohud.com / YWN-112)

22 Responses

  1. As long as everything was cleaned up afterwards its no big deal. Perhaps they should have done it elsewhere in the building but again, as long as everything was cleaned afterwards its a done deal.

    I am not mekaneh that lady’s chelek in g’henim.

  2. “animal’s head and entrails in boxes inside a nursery school classroom…Blood was splattered on the walls of the classroom, above where yellow toy trucks were stored, according to photographs taken by Ramapo police”

    I am waiting for mark levin and the rest to come defend this as “no big deal.” Because honestly, I see this as a pretty messy and big deal.

  3. #2 Mark.

    Blood and cow innards do not belong in a kindergarten class, no matter how much Lysol you bring with you.

  4. Did the Rev. Ouderkirk come flying in from Postville, Iowa to make the report? Is this going to make the front page headlines in the New York Crimes?

  5. Oh by the way, was that a dairy cow or a steer? Anyway which way if they are able to sell me a very fresh 7 pound shoulder roast, I will take it!

  6. Yet the Bambi huggers continue eating meat. They honestly believe the stuff grows on trees, picked like apples.

  7. #7 arizona

    “Yet the Bambi huggers continue eating meat”

    What are you talking about? No one was saying that animals shouldn’t be slaughtered, just that it should be done in a designated place that gets cleaned and inspected – and preferably one not frequented by nursery children. What part of this do you disagree with?

  8. I wonder if Mark levin was living next to a make shift college that was being occupied by Indians or a group of people that don’t resemble clean cut Americans and out of the blue they started slaughtering animals, I have a hunch that he would call authorities. The point is you are coming to the defense of your brethren in a case that is obvious that they should have used better judgement. Quite frankly I am on the side of this women because lets face it, these make shift yeshivos spoil the quality of life in the area. She was living there probably her entire life and to watch the area slowly being taken over and having these people do what they want and ignore zoning warrants resentment. Say what you want Levin and you’ll probably call me a self hating Jew but this is the fact and not just non frum are angry, plenty of frum people are furious at whats going on in Monsey. There is nothing self hating in watching my neighborhod being destroyed by our own people. There is nothing self hating in wanting to preserve our own neighborhoods. I would have the same anger were the picture the other way around and some other group of people stormed the area and spoiled the quality of life. For some reason anyone that criticizes a Jew is instantly called an anti semite.

  9. its such a common thing to shecht in monsey and its done very often i dont understand what the whole outcry

  10. This is a sample of the “modern so called Ahavas isruel, to critisize when somthing is done in frum neiberhood , find mistakes, blow-it-up , call the media, say your are fighting for the law, and so on. it’s a shame

  11. # 10.
    It is not such a common thing to shecht in a Kindergarten backyard.
    That bochur was wrong to shecht.
    That lady was wrong to masser.

  12. To justajew: I’ve never learned that ma’aseh korbonos was either off limits to Yiddisher kinder or inspected by the USDA. Have a nice day!

  13. Bochner needs his head examined.

    “its such a common thing to shecht in monsey and its done very often i dont understand what the whole outcry”
    IS THIS TRUE? Thought that shechtim was done only in specific shechthauses under specific rules and guidance. Guess I will shecht a geese tonight in my backyard to prepare for shabbus kodesh.

  14. #13 arizona

    I am going to dan l’kav zechut and assume that you are only being dishonest to yourself if you claim that you would send your child to a kindergarten where they had blood on the walls and cow parts in open cardboard boxes the day prior.

    Yes, ma’aseh korbonos is off limits in certain places. Those places are usually common sense, but probably include the following:
    – residential neighborhoods
    – schools
    – parks
    – living room couches
    – and just about anywhere else that ISN’T A SLAUGHTERHOUSE OR MEAT STORE

  15. To All My Detracters:

    I will say it again as you probably dont get out too much, this is not a big deal and is being overblown by a bunch of sonay yisroel.

    People (as in AYNO YEHUDIM as well as those who dont know better) ALWAYS butcher their animals after they kill them be it fresh roadkill or hunting. They even do it in their backyards!

    For all you city folk, we are generally talking about the country folk here and not you prim and proper city people. I have seen ayno yehudi do their handiwork on deer after they bag a few of them. Its no big deal.

    You want to say they should have used better judgement and MADE SURE TO CLEAN UP VERY QUICKLY BEFORE THE LAW came calling, I could hear your point.

    If this calf would have been fresh roadkill being broken down in the sheygitz’ yard, I’ll bet this marthashayfa wouldnt have called the cops. They got a little grossed out like a bunch of winey litte kids and they ran to “zug ous” so to speak.

    9, you are incorrect, I would not all the cops for any indians. Does the fact that they are like she said “hassidim men” bother you so much? I think you are just anti hassidim men.

    I do understand her being upset with the quality of life issue where she lives and I understand it whereever we spread out. This is a problem and I dont have solutions. Granted when yeshivas move in to residential areas they should make sure they are 1000% well behaved. I would even send flowers to the neighbors on occasion just to foster some good will. Granted this marthashayfa would probably sue since she seems to be allergic to nice things such as flowers but what can you do?

    #12, you are correct. I would add that it ISNT common to shecht in a preschool. They should have used a room not really used by kids, i.e., the kitchen. They should not have been allowed to use the building in the first place even if it wasnt a big deal. And, yes, the neighbor only complained because she was looking for things to complain about as was evidenced by the video.

  16. Uh, stan the man, don’t even think of schechting the geese in your backyard tonight. They are federally protected waterfowl. The possible penalties are 90 days in jail or a $50,000.00 fine.

  17. This whole situation is crazy. Sorry,but shechting animals does not belong in a school. It belongs in a slaughter house,not where kids learn and play. And if people cant understand this,then there is something very wrong with them. regardless,of what the GOYIM do with the deer. The deer is perceived as HUNTING. In America a very Macho and manly thing to do. The GOY”TE probably wouldnt have complained about a deer. But a Cow,PLEEZE. It doesnt belong there. Its a chilel hashem.

  18. 19,

    The knives shown in the fish wrap story were the traiboring knives. Besides, you think they wouldnt have removed the knives and cleaned up after themselves when they were done?

  19. This “school project” was not kosher. Above that, students should not have to witness this. It was inappropriate. As Jews, we are not beyond reproach in all areas.

  20. But a Cow,PLEEZE. It doesnt belong there. Its a chilel hashem.

    Comment by minkymalka

    How do you deside the diffrence,

    And what made you the Posek what is a Chilel H’
    how is about all your Lushen Hora, specialy on a public place isent that Chilel h’

    Please stop

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