Update On The Bochrim Imprisoned in Japan (Interview With Rabbi Yaakov Bleich)

jail.jpgYWN earlier in the week published an article (HERE) quoting a Kol Chai Radio interview with Avraham Schwartz, who resides in Japan. He detailed the condition of the bochrim, Yosef ben Ita Rivka, Yoel Zev ben Mirel Reesa Chava and Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel, as well as other facts surrounding the case.

Since then, YWN has been inundated with hundreds of letters, emails and phone calls, Baruch Hashem attesting to Klal Yisrael’s concern for the bochrim and their plight. After making some inquiries and probing the matter further, YWN Israel correspondent Yechiel Spira conducted a telephone interview with Rabbi Yaakov D. Bleich, the Chief Rabbi of Kiev, who is quite involved in the case.

For one thing, YWN has learned that the statements made by Mr. Schwartz contributed to added grief among the parents of the prisoners, with the interview aired in many areas of Eretz Yisrael on the radio. I was happy to learn that Baruch Hashem, Mr. Schwartz’s statements regarding the youths facing a death sentence were inaccurate, and while their predicament is difficult by all accounts, a death sentence is not among their fears.

Yosef [ben Ita Rivka] Bondo was sentenced, as was reported, and he must inform the court by May 15th if he plans an appeal. One might expect that this is a given but Rav Bleich explained it is not as simple as it appears. For one thing, if Yosef’s attorney announces an appeal is requested, the process usually will take about a year and can sometimes take two years. During that time period, nothing can be done on his behalf to have him transferred to Eretz Yisrael. Even though it would be advantageous for the older two boys if Yosef’s verdict would be revoked, it might be to Yosef’s own advantage to forgo the appeal and concentrate on being transferred to Eretz Yisrael, a process that will generally take 8-10 months Rav Bleich stated, backed by the knowledge that in the past two years, a number of Israeli prisoners have been transferred back home, a process that is “delicate” and requires diplomatic white gloves, but not without precedent.

If he does not appeal, he immediately begins serving his sentence and will be transferred to a hard labor facility.

Rabbi Bleich stressed all three defendants have their own independent cases and judges. Without compromising the case of any of the bochrim, I will say that the rav explained that the other defendants went a different route, with Rabbi Bleich and others delving into the records of no less than 200 lawyers before deciding to interview 30, thereby selecting four who are backed up by two consultants, an impressive legal team.

Assisting in the selection process was a prominent US attorney, whose “brilliant analytical mind” was crucial in formulating the impressive legal team that will defend the other two, Rabbi Bleich explained. [Preferred his name remain on file, not published]

There should be an update in the case before Shavuos, with the last of the pretrial hearings being held on May 22nd.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN)

13 Responses

  1. This Bleich fellow is so special. A true Tzaddik in our time!
    May he be matzliach in all he engages – especially this situation, very much on the front burner of all Yiden, the world over.

  2. Go Rav Bleich!!
    Always looking to help another Yid and he has been heavily involved with this case from the begining!!

  3. I wanna thank Rabbi Bleich for all the hard work and time thst he puts in into this case, to help all 3 boys. I wanted to say chazak ve’ematz!

  4. I also heard that besides Rav Bleich, there is also the local Lubavitch Schliach of Japan, Rav Sudakevitch also heavly involved. Is he invloved just with providing food, lodging, support or with the legal issue too?

  5. Since the judgment for this Bachur was B”H more lenient than the prosecutor had demanded, an appeal is not really an option as there is a fear that the outcome might ch.v. worse
    Another Rav who is heavily involved is Harav Weiss, the Satmar Dayan from Antwerp together with his brother The Horodenker Rav from Manchester, both great tzaddikim. May HKB”H have rachamim on these boys.

  6. To number 6:

    This is true. There are a few Chabad Shluchim working in Japan helping with the case.

    Rabbi Bleich travelled there and is one of the main people involved as are the local shluchim Rabbi Edrey whose hospitality I enjoyed and Rabbi Sudakevitch.

    Avraham Schwartz didn’t say they would face the death sentence. He said that the death sentence is the maximum sentence in drug cases, however by the two boys the maximum (rachmana litzlan) expected is double digits imprisonment. For the record: Avraham Schwartz said that he visits the boys everyday & gives them encouragement. Tizku Lemitzvot & Besorot Tovot !

  8. Now it’s time to pay attention to the evil kind of people who set them up.
    If we all rejected the drug dealers, even if they have money, they would be less inclined to get involved

  9. Rabbi bliech your truly a person that gives yourself over for the klal.may hashem help and repay you kaiyful kifliyum you should always have naches and have whatever you need

  10. Can we possibly can president Obama involved? There must be something that we can do in this day and time, get the biggest Rabonim to come to Japan, maybe even the sqverre Rebbi? or some big rabanim from eretz yisroel,we should all go there and scream and carry on, we cannot remain silent any longer, enough is enough, let’s get moving, wake up klal yisroel, it’s time to take a plane ride and protest,please,let’s do this, thank you.

  11. To #6
    The Lubavitcher Shaliach in Japan that has been helping day and night is Rabbi Binyomin Edery. He regularly visits the boys and is mechazek them. He takes care of all the spiritual needs of the bochurim and is a shaliach neeman for Dayan Weis for whatever is needed. Reb Binyomin, Cheiloch LeOraisoh, Chazak Veamatz.

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