Shocking Report: Few NYC Drunken Drivers Do Jail Time

na.jpgA WCBSTV report:

The numbers could be enough to drive someone to drink.

New York City police made nearly 10,000 drunken-driving arrests last year, but of the more than 6,000 cases that have gone through the courts so far, only 187 offenders have landed behind bars. That’s according to the state Division of Criminal Justice Services.

Manhattan judges handed out the most lenient sentences among the five boroughs, with only 28, or 2.5 percent, of the 1,091 convicted offenders getting jail time. The borough’s conviction rate for drunken drivers over the last three years was 75 percent, also the city’s worst.

The state’s conviction rate for the past three years was nearly 96 percent.

The NYPD is currently the second largest police force in the United States.

4 Responses

  1. They should impose greater fines and seize all of the cars of the drunken drivers. That would add to the revenue of New York City. And anyone they would, cholila, should be given just compensation and the felony should be not involuntary whatever but assault and battery, attempted murder, etc.

  2. I agree with Flatbush Bubby!! fine ’em big time and take away the cars, not to mention revocation of license for at least a year. Next offense? MANDATORY 1 year jail time!! If it’s a teen DUI, (there’s more of it now than ever before), MANDATORY seizure of the vehicle (assuming it’s daddy’s car) until the teen has completed a counseling term.

    Why are we waiting for tragedy to strike (chas v’shalom) before we wake up.

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