Hatzolah Ambulance Service Launched In Moscow

moshat.jpgMOSCOW, Russia – Hatzolah Volunteer Ambulance Service has begun operating in Moscow, the FJC reports. In particular, Moscow Hatzolah is available to respond to emergency calls in the Sofrino and Marina Roscha neighborhoods, as well as the vicinity of Bolshaya Bronnaya Street where the Agudas Chasidei Chabad Synagogue is located.

The Moscow Hatzolah team is currently comprised of 12 volunteers, all of whom have undergone emergency medical training in Israel and Russia. The EMTs are able to quickly respond to medical emergencies and are qualified in administering first aid to adults as well as children. Each of the medics is equipped with a medical kit, containing equipment necessary to effectively provide first-response assistance.

Moscow Hatzolah has announced that they will soon be offering another training session for prospective volunteers. At these workshops, participants will acquire the training, practical experience and level of proficiency necessary to be accepted as Hatzolah volunteers.

Hatzolah Coordinator Shneur Alperin explained that Moscow Hatzolah will be working in collaboration with the currently available ambulance services in Moscow and is not in competition with the established services.

Hatzolah is the largest volunteer Emergency Medical Services and ambulance provider in the world.

(Source: JFC)

3 Responses

  1. Very good comment by DovidG…I do not wont denigrate anybody, but some time this news more for raising money purposes…As we see from this two articles.

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