VIDEO: Car Deliberately Crashes Into Parade For Dutch Queen, Kills 4

33.jpgVIDEO LINK BELOW: At least four people are reported to have been killed and several hurt in the Netherlands after a car careened into spectators watching a royal motorcade Thursday.

A photographer said the car appeared to be deliberately driving at high speed toward an open bus carrying Queen Beatrixand her family in the western Dutch city of Apeldoorn.

Prosecutors said they believe the incident was deliberate, but not an act of terrorism. They did not indicate a motive or say why the popular queen might have been a target. The driver was a 38-year-old white Dutch male with no police record or history of mental illness, police said.

Cynthia Boll said she saw about 20 people “flying through the air” after the black car swerved across police railings, where crowds of people were waiting to see the queen pass.

The car slammed into a monument. Video footage showed police removing a man from the vehicle and putting him into an ambulance.

The royal bus was not hit and no one in the queen’s entourage was injured. Dutch television said four people were killed and about a dozen injured, including children.

Shortly after the incident, investigators and a sniffer dog examined the car for explosives, then sawed off the roof for a closer inspection.

VIDEO LINK: Click HERE for video footage of the incident.

(Source: Fox News)

3 Responses

  1. By now, there are 5 dead and 13 injured (5 seriously, 8 moderately).

    The perpetrator is alive but in critical condition after surgery. Police spoke with him immediately after the incident occurred, while he was still in his car and conscious; from this conversation, it was concluded that it was an intentional act and not an accident.

    The attacker intended to attack the Royal Family, which will lead the prosecution to handle the case at a different and higher level than a regular crime.

    The attacked occurred 20 kilometers (15 miles) from the place where I was born and grew up, in the Eastern-Central part of the Netherlands.

  2. Update: just read this: anonymous sources in the hospital report to the media that the perpetrator is brain-dead.

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