TEHILLIM ALERT: Sentence for Bochrim Imprisoned in Japan

jbo.jpgAt 10:00PM EST Thursday evening, the sentence will be handed down for one of the yeshiva bochrim wrongfully imprisoned in Japan. Please take a moment to say some Tehillim for Yosef ben Ita Rivka.

Additionally hearings are taking place for the other two Bochrim as well. Their names are Yoel Zev ben Mirel Reesa Chava and Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel.

If you reside in Eretz Yisroel, you can call join the nationwide tehillim effort at 1-700-700-721.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. rachmana litzlan!!
    please lets all say as much tehilim as possible before its too late!!!
    thats appx 9:00pm american time
    i hope that the yeshiva world news posts the verdict as soon as it is known!!!
    and is there an american number that i can call to join a nationwide tehilim?

  2. believer – you must be a NEW YORKER, as only NEW YORKERS think the usa begins and ends with NY. 4 am in E”Y is 9 pm EST. Please take note!

  3. Im Avonos Tishmor Ka, HaShem, Mi Ya’amod.

    May HaShem answer our heartfelt tefillos, as we daaven K’ish Echad B’Lev Echad…

    Acheinu, Kol Bais Yisroel
    Hanesunim Batzarah U’Bashivya
    Ha’omdim Bain Bayam U’vayn b’ayabasha…

  4. To call the Israeli Nationwide Tehilim Project from the USA, there is a different tel# to dial, however you will still get a recorded message that will ask if you want to choose your own Tehillim or let the computer pick for you? How many perakim you wish to say?, etc. You must be able to understand the Hebrew and to press the keys on your phone. The tel# to dial is: 011-972-3-619-5271. Once the phone rings, don’t press anything until you hear a woman come on the phone who states that you should press “1-5-2” for Yosef ben Ita Rivka! Then listen to the rest of the instructions. Good luck & may we be Matzli’ach in getting them all released from the Gehinom that they have been living in for the past several months & having them return home of sound mind & body to their families & Eretz HaKodesh Bimheirah!! Amen, Ken Yehi Ratzon. May HaKadosh Baruch Hu truly have Rachamim on them & conclude that they have completed whatever Tikun their Neshamot were supposed to do and release them NOW! AMEN!

  5. what time do you think the verdict will be posted?
    and #3-yes im a new yorker!!but i dont see how you figured that out??!!

    and is everyone sitting and saying tehilim??
    bec in a different part of the world at this very second someones LIFE is being decided!!!lets daven to hashem before its too late!!
    hashem yishmor!!

  6. 3 (someoneSpecial)- I hope that comment was neutral, and does not betray sina, which is ocunterproductive to asking rachamim for acheinu

    1/6 (believer) – what he means is that there is no such thing as american time, there are eastern, central, mountain, pacific. You are talking about Eastern, though you could have been from anywhere along the East coast. (There are other time zones too if you don’t limit “American” to contiguous USA).

  7. When will the results be out?

    May the achdus that klal yisroel is showing through non-stop teffilos be what brings the ultimate yeshua!!!

  8. only NY ppl think the world exists only around them, thus AMERICAN TIME. not EST. Anyone from any other part of the USA would write the time zone. That’s what I meant! Be a proud NYer, Bishvili Nivra Haolam

  9. Anyone who wants to do something to help these bocherim and all of Clall Yisroel should jion the newchabura clabs of how to work on Ahavas YIsroel .

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