Boro Park JCC Forms Vaad Hakehilos To Deal With Pressing Economic & Social Services Issues

fd.jpgThe Boro Park JCC meet with major Askonim and community leaders and formed a Vaad Hakehilos in an effort to deal with pressing Economic and Social Services Issues. In a packed room of representatives from community Mosdos and organizations Rabbi Yechiel Kaufman Executive Director of the Council described the various social services and Government entitlement that are provided daily to the community members by the Boro Park JCC and discussed the issues that confront the community. The Askonim were amazed to hear in detail the wide scope of services provided by the BPJCC. From the typical entitlements such as new applications and recertification for Medicaid, Food Stamps, low cost Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus, no cost medical insurance, Senior Citizen & Holocaust Survivors services, Immigration services, Youth services, Housing services, Section 8, Food Vouchers – and Crises Intervention services that can help families facing financial crises such as evictions from their homes; or shut off of their gas and electric services etc. Just this month alone the BPJCC distributed 36 tons of fruits and vegetables in addition to thousands of dollars in food vouchers to needy families for Pesach.

Unfortunately, the economic downturn has created new realities with many people out of work or out of business. This loss of income puts intact families in a crisis situation. For the first time in their lives they face shut off notices from the Gas and Electric Companies, no credit at the groceries, very high overdraft credit cards, eviction notices for non payment of rent or foreclosure for non payment of mortgages. Yeshivas, Mosdos and other institutions are also suffering from the inability of families to pay tuition and commitment obligations. This situation puts a tremendous stress on the family structure that can lead to serious Sholom Bayis problems and endanger the stability of the children.

The BPJCC has noticed a large increase in families applying for the first time for government entitlements. However there are so many other families who are too proud to come for the services that they are entitled to, or they don’t believe that they are eligible and suffer needlessly. An all out effort will be undertaken by the Vaad Hakehilos askonim to inform needy members of their communities of their rights and entitlements. They will work very closely with the BPJCC staff to ensure that every member of the community that needs assistance will be helped. A committee was formed to find new ways to assist those families that are near poverty and do not qualify for existing programs, yet at the same time are desperately in need of help. At a time where resources are getting harder to come by and needy families in the community are growing at an alarming rate, we need to harness all of our talents to make sure that we make every effort possible to access all of the services available for needy families in the community said Rabbi Yechiel. Kaufman.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. Someone in the retail food industry said that this pesach, almost 40% of the money that was used at groceries was food stamps, wic and other government and charity vouchers. It is distressing on the one hand but comforting on the other. Grocers and other food stores are hard pressed in continuing to extend credit, even to families who always paid up, but are not in the same financial condition now. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE> FAMILIES WILL GO HUNGRY.

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