Last Chance for Oorahs 2009 Auction!

oorah.jpgExcitement mounts at Oorah as the clock ticks ever closer to their annual Oorah-thon. They are offering everyone a very Last Chance to enter the Auction to win $250,000 in prizes. You can still make purchases now by clicking here. Win 44 fabulous prizes for only $5 per ticket! Donors of $250 or more receive a choice of 15 fantastic Free Gifts. In addition, there is a special bonus for entering online, as you will automatically be entered to win $500.
The campaign comes as a final wake-up call to those who have seen the ads, heard the songs, watched the DVD, but still haven’t decided which prizes to choose when they enter the Auction.
Oorah has a unique reputation in the fundraising world for always being on the cutting edge. Whether it’s their collection of original productions throughout the years, or the eagerly anticipated Oorah-thon, their material serves not only to entertain, but to remind everyone of the vitally important mission of our generation – to reach out to the millions of disconnected Jewish souls and help them find their rightful place in Klal Yisrael.
By enrolling children in yeshiva, giving them a meaningful summer at BoyZone or GirlZone camps, learning Torah with their parents, helping them learn to observe Shabbos and celebrate Yomim Tovim and so much more, Oorah has taken on the mission. Every Auction dollar helps support these effective, successful programs, making every donor a vital part of the kiruv journey for the nearly 2,000 families Oorah serves.
The countdown is on: mark down Motzei Shabbos, May 16, to join co-hosts Country Yossi and Rav Moshe Meir Weiss shlita live from Oorah, as they broadcast the final hours to the live Auction drawing. But time is running out…hurry and enter here now for a chance to win!


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