Out Of The Mailbag: Dov Hikind — AWOL On ‘Same-Gender-Marriage’

YW.jpgDear Dov Hikind:


You’re right out in front on the “Child Abuse” issue. You condemn Achmadinejad. You’re on the radio every week, talking about every subject under the sun.

So, why the deafening silence on the “Same-Gender-Marriage” issue. Why aren’t you publicly stating the views of your overwhelmingly-Orthodox-Jewish constituents opposing this despicable initiative by your Democrat party?

Are you afraid? afraid of annoying your old friend, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, old friend Governor Paterson? old friend Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith?

We didn’t elect you to protect your old cronies. You’re supposed to speak up for your community’s values–it’s a Chilul HaShem for the Orthodox Jewish representative of the largest Jewish community in America–Borough Park–to remain silent, while religious gentiles speak out against this push for immorality.

Let’s hear from you Dov–NOW!

–Rabbi William Handler

PS below are a partial list of the items Assemblyman Hikind has been busy with in the past year:

*Hikind Calls Upon Pulitzer Prize Review Board to Revoke Oliphant’s 1967 Award

*Kosher Food Companies Pledge to Reduce or Maintain Prices For Pesach

*Hikind Denounces Selection Of Charles Freeman As Chairman Of The US National Intelligence Council

*Hikind Blasts Hillary Clinton Over Israel Criticism

*Hikind Slams Vatican For Comparing Gaza to Concentration Camps

*Hikind to Sponsor Rally in Support of Israel Outside UN

*Hikind Wants Statement From Obama Regarding War Against Hamas

*Hikind Blasts ‘Thoughtless’ USPS Decision to Close Local Post Office on Sundays

*Hikind & Thompson Slam “Seeds Of Hate”

*Hikind Blasts Bloomberg on Plastic Bag Fee

*Hikind Opposes Proposed Construction of PS 160-K Annex

*The LA Times Suppresses Obama’s Khalidi Bash Tape; Hikind Demands Video be Released

*Hikind: Obama is Wrong For All The Wright Reasons; McCain Can Be The Only Choice

*Hikind to Hillary: Reconsider Cancellation & Attend Anti Ahmadinejad Rally

*Hikind Launches Kosher Gym Consumer Helpline

*Dov Hikind Statement on Resignation of PM Olmert

*Hikind Exposes Subway Dangers, as Straphangers Campaign Releases Report

*Dov Hikind: Obama in Israel, Is Like Watching Jimmy Carter

NOTE: Yeshivaworld welcomes your “Out Of The Mailbag” letters & comments. Letters may be edited or shortened for clarity. Submit all letters by clicking HERE – titled “Mailbag”, or click HERE and post them at the YWN Coffee Room.

The views expressed in this column reflect the opinions of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Yeshiva World News LLC. These individual opinions are also in no way meant as a P’sak Halacha or Hashkafa. As with all matters, be sure to consult with a Rov with all questions.

29 Responses

  1. You know, while you have a right to say that as a politician representing a predominately orthodox area he should voice his opinion about this issue….I look at the list of things you wrote here of the things that he HAS been involved in, and I think it is pretty impressive! Remember that almost ALL of us just sit back, drink a cold Coca Cola & do NOTHING about ANYTHING! Personally though, I have a different look on this. I’d rather he stick to politics! Be busy with israel, Hillary and the Economic crisis. Stay out of Halacha & representing the frum community on anything!….

  2. “I’d rather he stick to politics”


    I’d rather him actually do something for his district which elected him. We never voted for him to go running around letting his mouth fly against Obama, Hillary, the Vatican or anyone else.

    Let him go fix the MTA. That’s his job. Nothing else.

    And this issue IS his business. He will need to vote on it if it ever gets to Albany.

    Nuff said.

  3. Great Letter. While we are at it I think the same can be asked from all of the large well known Orthodox organizations and Frum people in prominent positions of power, and those whose voice is heard in the State of NY. We should hear from all of them as well and unite as one voice on this issue.

    Let’s see a public outcry from the National Council of Young israel, the OU, the Agudah, the Conference of Presidents, Malcolm Hoenline, Simcha Felder, the Jewish Press, the RCA, Ohel, Nachum segal, Rebbetzin Jungreis, just to name a few. These are the same Organizations and people who are never afraid to show off their great connections to the political face of our state.

    Now is the time to show the RBS”O that we are an Am Echud and believe in his total power. If not, and any of the above mentioned are afraid to comment for the potential political fallout or perhaps the possibility of loosing some Gov’t grants / funding, the Uch unVey to them and shame on those who decide to sit quietly.

    Editors Note: The Agudah has already released a statement, and was posted on YWN at the following link: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=33074

  4. even though i disagree with Dov Hikind a lot , he did say this past Saturday night that he will get involved with this in the near future.

  5. “…he did say this past Saturday night that he will get involved with this in the near future.” (no.5):

    …After the Toeva Bill os passed, and it makes no difference what he says.

  6. Rabbi Handler makes some poignant points.
    However in defense of Dov, I must say Dov addresses issues nobody else does.

    If the Agudah or the OU or any org. would have released a statement about child abuse Dov wouldn’t have too.

    If Agudah or the OU or any Rav would have released a statement about price raising during Pesach, (as the rabbanim did during the times of the Gemarah) Dov wold not have to get involved.

    While I agree that Dov should make strong statement condeming the bill others already beat him to the punch.(sadly so)

    While we are on this issue, does anyone understand Shelly Silver’s position on this matter. I would ask Shelly. Shelly can do more than Dov since quite frankly he is much more powerful than Dov.

    I hate to think that Shelly is on the wrong side of this issue.

    If Rabbi Handler is correct that Shelly is on the wrong side of this issue. I would like to tell Shelly that there is a big difference between a union and a marriage.

    As a frum Yid both are Assur m’tam toeivah

    But even the goyishe velt understands that same gender ‘marriage’ crosses the line.

    How can Shelly, an observant Yid, not understand something that most goyim understand?

  7. I agree Hikind should come out with a statement. However this is not an issue that directly affects our community so there is no need for him to go out fighting like a bull. Let the goyim engage in their toeva lifestyle and we will engage in our Torah lifestyle. Example is often the best form of protest.

  8. Dov Hikind is as excellent a politician as one can be in the field of dirty politics. I am sure there is excellent reasoning behind all this. There is NO WAY anyone here is implying he is pro not-normal marriages.

  9. It seems that all of you “Practical” political people have forgoten what HoRav Moshe Feinstein, ZT”L, rote when Ed Kock first introduced the first Toeva Bill in the NY City Council:

    “Let wverone show up and oppose this bill to show that Am HaShem Sonei Toeva.”

    Sometimes, we have to act like servants of G-D, rather than politicians.

  10. why a religious jew would ever have interest in holding any kind of public office is beyond me. no matter how much good you do for your community, you end up hated by most and castigated by many…

  11. #6 “I hate to think that Shelly is on the wrong side of this issue ”
    Rest assured, if it’s forbidden by the Torah then Shelly is for it.

  12. I hate to say this, but the Agudah statement on this issue is a genuine Chllul Hashem. They wrote, “In Agudath Israel’s view, tampering with marriage in the most fundamental way possible, by abandoning its definition as the sanctioned union of woman and man, is fraught with grave social danger.”

    They can’t have the courage to say it like it is. This is a MORAL danger. Social danger sounds like the Reform Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam. This statement has again been turned into water cooler talk around Albany. The Catholic Church who Agudah lobbies with called it a “Moral and Ethical dilemma”, but the Haimishe Agudah calls it a “social danger”.

    So, if all Dov will say is that it’s a social issue, it’s takkeh better to say nothing.

  13. #14 I believe that’s why its called a public servant. Every aspect of their life is judged in public and anywhere they go people approach them to discuss their problems. Don’t we say “Kol Mi Sheoskim B’tzarchai tzibbur b’emunah HKB”H yishaleim….”
    I believe that there are a lot of things behind the scenes in politics (for Agudah too) so noone can really judge. However, coming out against a frum person in a public forum like this is unacceptable (and I’m not sure how this got past the YWN editors).

  14. When it comes to politics one must use Saichel not emotion. The fixation among certain segments of the community and Rav Avigdor Miller Zatzal in focusing on this issue is misplaced and counterproductive. The bill is not going to pass because there are not enough votes in the State Senate to make it happen. The more you scream about this issue the more attention you are giving the proponents and they love that. They should be shunned and ignored and not given the Chashivus and legitimacy that the opponents are granting them by virtue of creating a fuss. Dov is an Emes Osaik Betzarche Ztibbur for real issues and we owe him a lot of Hakaros Hatov and support, not this kind of blatent back stabbing.

  15. The “fixation” among certain segments of the community and Rav Avigdor Miller Zatzal in focusing on this issue…” (NO.20):

    “FIXATION” IS A LOADED WORD, indicating a psychologically-unbalanced person. To use such a term in connection with the Tzaddik you mentioned is ARROGANCE AND CHUTZPAH.

    He who insults a Talmid Chochom is, according to the Talmud, an ApiKorUs!

  16. #21:

    There is a fixation. Why do we not hear the same screams about the fact that idolatry is permitted? Or that adultery is not against the law? Or that people are allowed to blaspheme at will?

    I mean seriously, there are problems of equal magnitude which receive little-to-no attention. Rightly or wrongly, there certainly is a fixation.

  17. This is an area where Rav Avigdor Miller Zatzal chose to venture into with a public and vocal political activism that did border on a fixation. I respect his views and the man.I do disagree though with the practicality of it. I do not think I am Mevaze him in any way by forcefully disagreeing with his political posture. This is something wich should be open to debate, it is not a Halacha in Shulchan Aruch.

  18. Frum Jews don’t hold by civil marriage and divorce. Halacha doesn’t require a “marriage license” from the state. A divorce order from the goyim’s court doesn’t affect the halachic status of a marriage.

    They goyim have many questionable (to say the least) cultural practices. As long as it doesn’t affect us, we shouldn’t get involved in their disputes. It is not our issue. This isn’t our world. We are visiting here temporarily. We should be good guests, even if we sometimes get some very strange hosts.

    Frum politicans should worry about funding programs that affect Orthodox Jews, and laws that affect our lives, and not trying to tell the goyim what to do.

  19. i.m. and casual observer.–

    Your problem isn’t with this Tzaddik. It’s with the Torah, which places the highest priority on these transgressions–they are even read on the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur, to underscore their importance.

    That’s why we have Gedolei Torah–to tell us which should be our priorities–what HaShem wants.

    This is not something that is decided by a committee.

  20. akuperma [24],
    If you think such a move doesn’t have a tremendouse effect, then you are living in a buble, I’m supprized you have internet…

  21. הגם דמצד עצם האסיור אפשר דע”ז שוה לג”ע מ”מ מצינו שיש חומר מיוחדת לג”ע ושמעתי מאת הג”ר אלי’ שווי כשדרש בכנסת אגודת ישראל שאמר בשם המדרש דהתועיבות שנתבעו הכנענים עליהם הוא מה שתקנו לתת כתובה לזכר. היינו שעשו משכב זכר לדבר חוקיי.

  22. r’ elyah said b’shem a medrash that what the passuk says that the people of c’naan we punished for toe’va was because the instituted a kesuba for same-gender marriages – i.e. they legal redefined marriage.

  23. #25:

    Who in the world said that I had a problem with anything? I simply asserted that there is a fixation. You seem to have a penchant for paranoia.

    Though I will say here that this is the goyim doing what they will do. This isn’t a debate on whether to accept it in our communities. Quite frankly, I don’t really care what they do.

  24. While I totally agree with the criticism of Mr. Hikind, I wonder why nobody asks about why Rav Dovid Feinstein shlit’a to this day has never publically rebuked the orthodox speaker of the NY state assembly Shelly Silver from their lower east side neighborhood for publically voting in favor of toieva marriage in the assembly on 6/12/2007. After all, it is pretty well known that Shelly speaks to Rabbi Dovid Feinstein quite frequently about political issues.

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