Rudy Blasts Paterson’s Toiva-Marriage Push

rudy2.jpgRudy Giuliani blasted Gov. David Paterson’s same-gender-marriage bill, predicting it would spark a revolt that would help Republicans get back into office in 2010.

“This will create a grass-roots movement,” said the former mayor, in an interview with The New York Post. “This is the kind of issue that, in many ways, is somewhat beyond politics.”

Giuliani, who unsuccessfully sought the GOP presidential nomination last year and is said to be eying a run for governor in 2010, said he’s committed to the traditional definition of marriage.

“Marriage, I believe, both traditionally and legally, has always been between a man and a woman and should remain between a man and woman,” Giuliani told The Post.

Giuliani believes Paterson’s same-gender-marriage push is a desperate effort to garner support from fellow Democrats to make up for abysmal poll numbers.

“I think he’s worried and, given his [low polling] numbers, it wouldn’t be normal if he wasn’t worried about a primary challenge from, I guess, Cuomo,” Giuliani said. “But somebody else could also come out of anywhere with numbers like that.”

Paterson introduced the legislation last week despite concerns from fellow Democrats that the bill doesn’t appear to have enough backing to pass in the Senate.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who stood by Paterson’s side during the Toeiva-marriage bill announcement, is hoping his support of the legislation will further his own political agenda. Bloomberg plans to “influence” Senate Republicans to back the bill, sources told The New York Daily News.

The billionaire mayor hopes to land support for his re-election bid from Empire State Pride Agenda (ESPA), the state’s largest Toeiva-rights group.

The ESPA will not be won over easily and has said it won’t endorse a mayoral candidate until after Albany’s legislative session is over. The ESPA endorsed Bloomberg’s opponent Fernando Ferrer in the 2005 mayoral race.

(Source: NBC New York / NY Post)

15 Responses

  1. Rudy Blasts Paterson’s Toiva-Marriage Push
    who is he to talk about this matter.
    he believes in a women’s right to choose . that means she aborts or murders her and her husbands unborn child whenever she wishes and nothing can be done to her about that.
    since we as a state don’t care about murder why should we care about Toiva-Marriage.

  2. re 2: there is a problem when certain people, whose personal lives are far less than admirable, take the moral high ground. (Rush Limbaugh, anyone?) But a certain level of chanifa, and yes, hakaras hatov for the good they do do, is necessary. Not only do we live in Sodom but we live in galus.

  3. Yosse:

    Why do mix apples with oranges?

    Toeiva marriages effect you (or is that ‘affect’ you) in much worse way than abortions.

    Without getting graphic, if a woman had an abortion, she did it in a doctors office and you don’t know about it. AND SHOULD NOT know about it.

    Toeiva marriages on the other hand will have two people of the same gender flauting this in public.

    How will explain that to your children if they see two people of the same gender in a non tznuis dige way walking down the street.


    Do you see the difference?

  4. We need full disclosure here. Rudy Giuliani the Liberal democrat turned Liberal Republican is and always has been……

    Editors Note: We need full disclosure here. StamYid1 is “The Town Crier” trying to use another screename.

  5. Did anyone notice that it says Toeva in the Torah by cheating in business too?

    Even Shlaima V’tzedek in parshas Ki Saitzai.

    how come there are no huge movements, outcries, religous arguments and government bills against cheating in business?

    I believe it says Toeva by tarfus too.

    Double standard?

  6. to all off you out there who don’t like what i have to say that is fine , this is America were everybody is entitled to there opinion weather you agree or disagree.
    however let us go down memory lane with Rudy Giuliani , and please do not forger the following . when he divorced or separated from his wife dona hanover he had to sleep somewhere.
    he could not sleep at gracie mansion the official residence of the new york city mayor , because that is were his ex wife and kids slept. I’m sure that you would like to know were he slept at night . he slept at a very close friend who was openly Toiva and believed in it very much .if Rudy Giuliani really believed in this so much that they should not allow Tovia marriage then he should not have slept at that friend.

  7. So, in the final analysis, it boils down to political expedience. If it’s expected to garner votes, push it. If it’s expected to lose votes, blast it. If it’s not expected to make a political difference, use your conscience, if you have one.

    Is there a politician out there who does things leshem shamayim? Or are they all cut from the same cloth?

  8. Right on Rudy! Run Rudy run, RUN, RUN, RUN!!!! We have not forgotten what you did for the Yidden of New York City after Dinkins. L’chaim U’lshalom!

  9. Go Rudy!!! Welcome back. I think I can forgive and forget that you bailed out of the presidential race and left a lot of people sorely disappointed; IF you get back to serving the public so well, as only you can. Get back in the game! You are a natural!

  10. eli lev —

    Comment #12 by “Joseph” was not made by me. (I have been posting as Joseph almost since the beginning of YW.) #12 was made by someone else posting under the same screen name as myself.

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