e.jpgWith Pesach behind us, one can honestly say that one of the highlights of the Yom Tov was Birchas Hachama recited on Erev Pesach. To help you all remember this once in 28-years Mitzvah, YWN has created a large photo album with one thousand photos from close to 100 locations around the globe.

YWN thanks the hundreds of people who sent us their photos – helping make this the largest gallery of photos available in the world.

Below is the list of locations (in alphabetical order). In regards to large gatherings which were not posted, please note that YWN did not exclude any locations – but posted every location which sent to us.

Click HERE for the photo gallery.

14th Street Area (Lakewood, NJ)
38th Street & Dahill Rd (Boro Park)
Adass Yisroel Kehilla (Melbourne Australia)
Agudah Yisroel Snif Zichron Shmuel (Flatbush)
Agudas Yisrael of Madison / Rabbi Reisman (Flatbush)
Agudas Yisroel of Long Island
Agudas Yisroel Toronto
Amsterdam, Holland
Ateres Yishaya / Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen & Rav Dovid Trenk (Lakewood)
Atlanta, Ga
Beth Israel & Miami Beach Kollel (Miami, FL)
BMG (Lakewood)
Bobover Rebbe in 18 Ave Park (BP)
Bobover Rebbe on 14th Ave & 49th Street
Boca Raton, Florida
Bostoner Rebbe Shlita
Choral Shul (Moscow)
Cong Zera Avrohom (Denver)
Darchei Tzedek in Baltimore
Flatbush Birchas Hachama Roundup
Freiman in Boro Park
Gabicce Mare / Tourman Kosher Hotel (Italy – Rabbi Lieberman, Chief Rabbi of Antwerp)
Jewish ROC (Rockville, MD)
Kasinski Shul (Budapest)
Kavunas Halev (Boro Park)
Kehal Zichron Mordechai (Monsey)
Kehilas Agudas Achim (Zurich)
Kehilas Ahavas Yisroel / Tzemach Tzedek (Baltimore – Rabbi Heber)
Kehilas Yaakov in Amsterdam (Rav Evers)
Khal Bais Shmiel (Williamsburg)
Kiryat Sefer (With the Rabbonim of the city)
Kol Aryeh (Lakewood)
Kosel Hamaravi (Yerushalayim)
Kosov Rebbe (Boro Park)
Leiger Beth Hamedrash (Stamford Hill, London)
Los Angeles, CA
Monroe, NY
Monsey: On the back of a Pickup Truck
New Hempstead, NY
New Square
North Mami Beach (FL)
Philadelphia, PA
Phoenix AZ Hebrew Academy
Pupa Rebbe (Williamsburg)
Queens, NYC
R’ Meir Leib Goldstein
Rabbi Landau Shul (Flatbush)
Rabbi Scheinerman (Flatbush)
Ramot, Jerusalem
Rav Chaim Halpern (Golders Green, UK)
Rav Dovid Feinstein (Lower East Side, NYC)
Rav Elyashiv & Rav Shmuel Aurbarch (KOSEL)
Rav Platnicks Shul (Avenue M & East 18th – Flatbush)
Reb Chuna’s (Golders Green, London)
Reb Yisroel Dovid Schlesinger (Monsey)
Sanz Klausenberg Rebbe in 1981
Satmar Birchas Hachama
Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg
Savraaner Rebbe Shlita – Birkas Hachama
Slonim (Yerushalayim)
South Lake Area of Lakewood
Southeast Hebrew Congregation (Silver Spring, Maryland)
Stamford Hill (London)
Talmudic University in Miami, FL
Telshe Yeshiva Cleveland
Tifereth Zvi (Cedarhurst)
Toronto (Rav Shlomo Miller)
Toronto [Snow Delayed Birchas Hachama]
Tzefas, Eretz Yisroel
Yam Hamelach
Yeshiva Ateret Torah (Flatbush)
Yeshiva Derech Ayson (Far Rockaway)
Yeshiva Ohaley Yaakov (Moscow)
Yeshiva Torah Vodaas (Flatbush)


LAKEWOOD: Khal Ateres Yishaya with Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen and Rav Dovid Trenk (Yehuda Boltshauser & Co.)

LAKEWOOD: Beis Medrash Govoah (Abraham Todd / Boltshauser Images)

BALTIMORE: Kehilas Ahavas Yisroel / Tzemach Tzedek with Rabbi Heber (Avromi Kaufman / Boltshauser Images)

LOS ANGELES: Rabbi Rubin’s shul (Elchonon Pheterson / Boltshauser Images)

MIAMI: Birchas HaChamah 5769 (Yisroel Bodkins / Boltshauser Images)

ATLANTA: Multiple Kehilos (Moshe Kruger via Boltshauser Images)

CANADA: Sudbury Sha’ar HaShamayim Shul on Ramsey Lake (Shlomo Shapiro / Boltshauser Images)


KOTEL: General (Yitzchok Russek / Boltshauser Images)

KOTEL: Dias  (Ely Segal via Boltshauser Images)

MOSHAV MATITYAHU: With HaRav Zev Leff (Shimon Lobel / Boltshauser Images)

KIRYAT SEFER:Central park with the Rabbonim of the city (Binyomin Biron / Boltshauser Images)


LONDON: Kesher Kehila in Golders Green (Saadia Simon / Boltshauser Images)

BUDAPEST: Kasinski Shul with Rav Moshe Tuvia Weisberger (Shalom Baruch Korn / Boltshauser Images)

MOSCOW: Yeshivas Ohaley Yaakov (Betzalel Mandel / Boltshauser Images)

ITALY: Gabicce Mare / Tourman Kosher Hotel with Rabbi Lieberman, Chief Rabbi of Antwerp (Motti Gruzman / Boltshauser Images)

ZURICH: Kehilas Agudas Achim (Meir Izckowitz / Boltshauser Images)

AMSTERDAM: Kehilas Yaakov with Rav Evers (Tsippora Hochheimer / Boltshauser Images)

5 Responses

  1. The Kosel should be listed FIRST.
    Not because it had the most people there. Because…
    That’s where it all started from 5769 years ago!!!

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