Skokie, IL: Clinton to Speak at Holocaust Museum Opening

clinton.jpgFormer President Bill Clinton is the expected keynote speaker at the grand opening of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center in suburban Skokie.

The $45 million facility housing more than 2,000 Holocaust survivor testimonies opens Sunday.

Holocaust survivor and writer Elie Wiesel is also expected to attend.

Museum organizers say the mission of the museum is to help survivors heal, educate people and ensure another Holocaust does not occur again.

The 65,000 square-foot museum is considered the largest of its kind in the Midwest. It has numerous artifacts including a Nazi-era rail car, children’s clothes and photographs.

The museum also has an exhibit for children and rooms for reflection.

(Source: AP)

4 Responses

  1. Speaking of Jews:

    The “jewish” architect for the Skokie Holocaust Memorial is an assimilated one who:
    (1) married a non-Jewish woman,
    (2) is very proud of it, as he has often shown photos of her (who is also his professional/business partner) sitting on his lap,
    (3) is regularly bad-mouthing his distinguished professional colleagues; including the late James Ingo Freed (a prominent Jewish architect responsible for the much superior Washington, DC, Holocaust Memorial [a must see!]), the late Myron (Yitzchok Mayer) Goldsmith (also a prominent Jewish architect and a descendant Gerer Chasidim), and — Yibadel LeChaim Tovim VaAruchim — I.M. Pei (the famous architect member of Chasidei Umos HaOlam, who has done much Chesed for Jews).

    His own professional credentials are flimsy and his work is generally mediocre. When he taught part-time at the University of Illinois, management forced him to resign.

    As expected, he and the sponsors are now in a big Machlokes, which probably will never be resolved.

  2. #3:

    1) Even an assimilated Jew is still a Jew. The quotation marks are not befitting of a ben Torah who should be extra vigilant about ben adam l’chavero.

    2) How do you know that the Washington DC museum is “much superior?” Did you go to the Skokie museum opening and see the museum?

    3) Are you trying to argue that because you don’t like the architect who designed the building, that we shouldn’t have it?

    Your post serves no useful purpose other than to shine a light on your own shortcomings.

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