Agudath Israel Reaction to NYS Governor Paterson’s Marriage-Redefinition Bill

agudah.jpgFollowing New York State Governor David A. Paterson’s introduction yesterday of a bill to legalize “Toeiva” marriage in the state, Agudath Israel of America reiterated its long-standing opposition to the proposed move. The organization’s official statement is below.

Agudath Israel of America strongly opposes the proposed redefinition of marriage in New York State.

Societies’ mores constantly shift, but eternal truths remain. The institution of marriage in its traditional form has served as the foundation of family and the bedrock of civilized society since time immemorial. In Agudath Israel’s view, tampering with marriage in the most fundamental way possible, by abandoning its definition as the sanctioned union of woman and man, is fraught with grave social danger.

Moreover, as has been repeatedly shown over recent years, the push to redefine marriage seeks to belittle those individuals and institutions who refuse to abandon their deep-seated and sincere religious beliefs. It is that prospect, more than the preservation of traditional marriage, that should be unacceptable to anyone concerned with basic civil rights.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. But would they feel strong enough about it to refuse to accept money from a government that encourages “toeiva”? A community wide “herem” on the government would certainly catch attention and be respected as a principled statement.

    It should be noted that the Israeli government supports “toeiva”, and that hasn’t kept any Hareidim (other than the “fanatics” of Neteurei Karta) from accepting, and indeed soliciiting, government funds.

  2. Akuperma as usual right on que. Always a twisted liberal lefty comment on what is a clear cut protest. That the Agudah has the courage to stand up for what is right in the face of potentialy staggering budget cuts from this same Governor, speaks volumes and should be supported. Silence on this moral issue would have indeed been a Chillul Hasem. Shtika K’hodah.As it is our community does not get our fair share of Gov. assistance.Our Mosdos and parents are desperate for whatever financial assistance we do get.Refusing “clean” money earmarked for our struggling community, just to make a “principled statement”
    (and akuperma happy), would be the height of stupitidy and irresponsibiity. Clearly the Agudah can’t win with you whatever they do. Grow up.

  3. #2 where do you get that position from? ! I dont believe most rabbonim believe in that position other than a few. #3 well done.

  4. Has it occured to anyone the reason more states are becoming in acceptance to such marriages is to the government a great way unfortately to stop generations growing thus in their minds a hopeful way to save money and housing problems. Although this is thank G-D a very anti way of thinking. hope they all come to realize shortly the sick stupidity in it.

  5. I agree with askan and Joseph. We can always rely on the Agudah to do the right thing and risk losing millions and millions of dollars in aid.

    I should also remind all of the Yeshiva World News readers that Ed Koch tried approximately 20 years ago the same thing with Executive order #84 I think it was.

    I am just wondering out loud what could be the possible punishment in Heaven if something like this would occur, Chas V’shalom.

  6. Do you care? Forget about blogging your comments.
    E-Mail your senators and assemblymen and raise H– about this!
    Paterson probably knows he won’t be nominated or elected (look at his popularity polls) so it might be futile to e-mail him, but other elected men and women would like to keep their jobs.
    Do YOU know who your assemblyman (woman) and state senator are? Call them, e-mail them, and even write to the NY Slimes, etc.
    If we don’t make our voices heard, Agudath Israel will be ignored.

  7. Regarding Flatbush Bubby’s last line – you have a good point, but perhaps – al tiftach peh lasoton?
    HaShem Yerachaim!!!!!!

  8. Thank you Agudah! Can you keep the ball rolling and try to influence Shelly Silver to change his mind on this issue? Hatzlacha Raba!

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