Bloomberg Gets ‘Obnoxious’ With Reporter in Wheelchair

bloomberg2.jpgNBC New York reports: 

On first glance, it could have been considered a misunderstanding, an honest case of ignorance.

But when a recorder belonging to a reporter turned on and interrupted Mayor Bloomberg during his turn at a “Toeiva Marrige” news conference yesterday, the billionaire mayor grew visibly agitated and stared down the offending journalist, Michael Harris, a reporter for

Even after City Council Speaker Christine Quinn leaned in to tell the mayor that Harris was in a wheelchair, Bloomberg would not relent.

“I understand that,” the former CEO with an infamous temper said. “He can still turn it off.”

Harris told the Daily News that the jacket was several seats away, so he couldn’t get to it quickly after another reporter inadvertently turned his recording device on when he kicked it.

“I felt embarrassed that he singled me out like that,” Harris told the Daily News. “I think an apology would be the right thing to do. The mayor clearly was obnoxious in the way he reacted. Do I think I’m going to get one? No.”

As a photographer and a security guard helped Harris with the coat and the recorder, Paterson tried to keep things light by telling Bloomberg, “Mayor, that’s like your theme music.”

Bloomy didn’t flinch, saying, “It’s a little bit too important for playing music. Let me start again, as soon as we can do this.”

What was playing wasn’t actually music; it was a portion of a previous news conference, according to

Still not finding his sensitive side, Bloomberg’s last comment before resuming his remarks was: “And maybe we just take everything outside.”

But disaster was averted, the recorder was turned off and the rich, cranky mayor continued talking after more than a minute of awkwardness.

5 Responses

  1. Sometimes, the smiling politician’s mask slips off, and we get a glimpse of the real person behind it.

    We, sometimes, forget that we live in sodom. We are in denial.

  2. The bigger question is – How can the Republican party endorse this Pro Toeiva “Marriage”, Pro Partial birth Abortion candidate?!

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