Subway ‘E-ZPass’ Lets Straphangers Zip Past ‘Metrocard’ Lines

mta2.jpgWaiting in line to buy a Metrocard is now a thing of the past.

The new subway “E-ZPass” has finally arrived — allowing straphangers to bypass MetroCard vending machines and the long lines often associated with them.

The unlimited-ride MetroCards last two years and are automatically refilled every 30 days when paid for by credit card, the New York Daily News reported.

The program is likened to E-ZPass because it allows users to go online and view their itinerary — information such as where an individual entered the subway system or made transfers is just a click away.

The EasyPayXpress Metrocard can be purchased online and is $81 for an unlimited 30-day pass .
The new plan may save the MTA money by reducing the number of plastic cards used but it won’t be enough to reduce the need for the transit bailout plan. If the plan is not passed, the price of a monthly card will jump to $103 on May 31.

(Source: NBC New York)

2 Responses

  1. Long lines???

    I ride the subway every day. I cannot recall a time, since the installation of the Metrocard vending machines, when I have had to wait more than two minutes to buy a Metrocard.

    Mind you, I’m not knocking the idea of EasyPayXPress — it’s a great idea. I’m just kind of bemused at the idea of “long lines.”

    The Wolf

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