Ex-CIA Chief Slams Memo Release

cia.jpgFormer CIA Director Michael Hayden says the Obama administration is endangering the country by releasing Justice Department memos that detail the CIA’s interrogation techniques authorized by the Bush administration.

Hayden tells The Associated Press the release will give terrorists a precise guide for what to expect in a CIA interrogation if those methods are ever approved for use again.

“If you want an intelligence service to work for you, they always work on the edge. That’s just where they work,” Hayden said. Now, he argued, foreign partners will be less likely to cooperate with the CIA because the release shows they “can’t keep anything secret.”

On the other side, human rights advocates argued that Obama should not have assured the CIA that officers who conducted interrogations would not be prosecuted if they used methods authorized by Bush lawyers in the memos.

Obama disagreed, saying in a statement, “Nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past.”

In releasing the documents, the most comprehensive accounting yet of interrogation methods that were among the Bush administrations most closely guarded secrets, Obama said he wanted to move beyond “a dark and painful chapter in our history.”

Human rights groups and many Obama officials have condemned such methods as torture. Bush officials have vigorously disagreed.

The Obama administration outlawed the techniques but has a task force reviewing the military’s interrogation methods to determine if they are sufficient for CIA use.

(Source: Fox News)

4 Responses

  1. We should torture every captured terrorist until we can squeeze out every last bit of information he possesses to prevent future terrorist attacks.

    But we can expect no such policy from a friend of terrorists, such as Obama.

  2. Let’s face the facts.

    These suspected terrorist thought nothing of burning two and a half thousand people alive at 9/11, and cut off the Wall Street Journal reporter Pearl’s head with no compunction, so these guys deserve no mercy at all. If anything, I am disappointed in the CIA that they didn’t go further in their interrogations of these animals.

    If we start showing mercy on these terrorists, we will most certainly lose the war. Use every conceivable method of interrogation to find out what their next step is.

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