Gingrich Tabs Giuliani for N.Y. Governor

rudy.jpgNewt Gingrich, the former House speaker, says New York Republicans should forget about Gov. David A. Paterson and plan for a campaign against a more likely Democratic nominee for governor next year, Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo.

Mr. Gingrich’s blunt warning brought into the open speculation that has been rippling through p/olitical circles for weeks: that Democrats may decide that Mr. Paterson is too weak to win election next fall, and turn to the popular attorney general to keep the governor’s office in Democratic hands.

“Yes, it’s true, the current governor’s terrible,” Mr. Gingrich told state Republicans on Wednesday night at the Sheraton New York Hotel in Manhattan. “Yes, it’s true, the budget’s indefensible. But let me tell you, if I had to bet money, you’re not going to face the current governor next year. You’re going to face Cuomo.

“So you’ve got to design a campaign that beats Cuomo,” he continued. “Because the fact is, Democrats aren’t insane. And when a member of the Democrat Party becomes too weak to re-elect, they tend to cannibalize him before we get to him.”

Mr. Paterson’s popularity has fallen to low levels, even among blacks, Democrats and city voters, his core constituencies. As the governor has slid, Mr. Cuomo has soared, scoring a 75 percent approval rating in a Quinnipiac University poll last week.

Mr. Gingrich tried to energize the state party’s somewhat anemic annual dinner by conjuring an ideal Republican ticket for 2010 – though his Dream Team amounted to a blast from the past.”To meddle for a half a second, I think if we had Mayor Giuliani for governor, and we had Governor Pataki for senator, we would be a large step toward a tidal wave, which would make 2010 comparable to 1994,” Mr. Gingrich said.

The Daily News said while Pataki confirmed he is contemplating a possible senate run, Giuliani said that any 2010 electoral talk surrounding him is premature.

(Source: NY Times / UPI)

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