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NYC Considering Blocking Chatty Cabbies’ Phones

taxi1.jpgChatty cabbies could soon be disconnected from their cell phones in New York City.

The city is considering adding cell-phone blockers in the front of cabs.

Taxi and Limousine Commissioner Matthew Daus says passengers would still be able to use their phones. But front seat phone use would be blocked to promote safer driving.

Daus said Monday that’s one of the possibilities the TLC wants to investigate as it develops a “Taxicab Passenger Enhancement Program.”

Cab driver Tahir Mahmood says he’d prefer a cell-phone blocker in the back seat. He says he’s often distracted by passengers who are “yelling.”

Meanwhile, will WiFi hookups and iPod ports be part of New York City’s “taxi of the future”?

The commission is asking for riders’ thoughts on proposals it’s reviewing. It also wants more ideas from the public.

How about receipts delivered directly to e-mail addresses? Or a “Taxicard” that resembles a debit or credit card?

Anyone can submit ideas to the TLC Web site. After June 15, officials will start to decide which concepts are possible. Then a bidding process begins.

(Source: WCBSTV)

2 Responses

  1. #1, all it takes to get a cab driver lisence is a face,..o, and it also helps if the guy has a name with 8 consenant’s in a row! 🙂

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