Revenge? Somali Insurgents Fire Mortars at Congressman

p1.jpgDonald Payne during a visit to the country’s capital just hours after pirates vowed revenge on the United States.

The insurgents fired one mortar at an airport where the New Jersey congressman’s plane was scheduled to take off and five others were fired after his plane departed, Reuters reported.

“One mortar landed at the airport when Payne’s plane was due to fly and five others after he left, and no one was hurt,” Abukar Hassan, a police officer at the airport, told the news agency.

Payne, who wanted to discuss piracy with the local government, arrived in Somalia early Monday.

He arrived just hours after the U.S. Navy shot dead three pirates holding a captain hostage off the coast of Somalia and was expected to stay in the country just several hours.

(Source: NBC News)

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