Madoff’s Niece Calls Prison-Survival Expert

madoff1.jpgBernie Madoff’s niece is so worried about doing jail time that she’s seeking prison survival tips from a consulting firm, sources told the New York Post.

Which brings to mind at least one curiosity: There’s a consulting firm that helps would-be inmates prepare for incarceration?

The answer is yes, and it’s called Wall Street Prison Consultants.

Shana Madoff contacted the firm’s founder, a former federal prisoner named Larry Levine, the sources told the Post.

“A female relative of Bernie Madoff contacted me,” is all Levine would confirm to the paper.

Shana Madoff, 38, was a compliance officer for her uncle’s firm before a Ponzi scheme brought it down. Bernie Madoff is currently behind bars awaiting sentencing.

With its Fedtime 101 course, Levine’s firm instructs white-collar offenders how to survive federal prison and earn an early release. These skills would come in handy for Shana Madoff, who grew up on six acres on Long Island. Her dad, Peter Madoff, is Bernie’s brother.

On its Web site, in big, capital letters, WSPC asks visitors: “ARE YOU SCARED AND CONFUSED?”

Levine said that another male member of the Madoff family has called him, the Post reported.

“I give people a wakeup call,” Levine told the paper. His course costs $850.

(Source: NBC New York)

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