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Klal Yisroel: Behind The Scenes

che.jpgErev Pesach/ Yom Birchas Hachama 5769

Listen to the news and all you will hear is how bad the economy is. Yes, times are tough no question about it. But- you know the old saying “when the going gets tough….”

Do you really know just how tough and great Klal Yisroel really is? The market may be down and many are struggling but despite this, or should I say in spite of this- do you really know what’s been going on behind the scenes?  Tzedoka campaigns, job fairs, food drives, food collections and just food and more food for the needy. Kimcha D’pischa, Maos Chitim, gift cards, food cards, appeals, parlor meeting, mailings, food packages, Gmachs, loans and so many projects our network of community resources in this “selfish” generation may yet be the finest in our long history. Prodded and encouraged by our Nishai Chayil, the very best of our generation have stepped up- big time and never more timely. Oh how fortunate we are to have such women of valor whose special compassion and sensitivity urge on our Anshai Maaseh (men of action). And after all of the standing in line, shopping, cooking, baking, cleaning, scrubbing,  cleaning and endless activities required of the Pesach Yom Tov, there they were across the globe- Anashim, Noshim, V’taf, out by the thousands at 6:45 am Erev Yom Tov all to grab the rare Z’chus of Birchas Hachama. .

So from time to time you might hear that Klal Yisroel has so many problems and too many social ills to solve and yes maybe things are not as good as they could be, I will remember, and so should you, these last few magical weeks of unparalleled generosity and Chesed that brings honor to our Creator and to our nation.

While the outside remains mired in depression and recession we Klal Yisroel, must cherish and nurture our insulated world full of care and compassion. Achdus and benevolence achieved on a grand scale- quietly behind the scenes. Ashraichem, be praised.

So my dearest friends and fellow Yidin, look around you and the chances are you probably know one  of the collectors, partners, donors, distributors, drivers, packers, warehousers, organizers, assistants and benefactors that make Klal Yisroel the great nation we are.
Be very proud.

May we share together the Geulah immediately and may Hakodosh Boruch Hu continue to smile down upon us.

Chag kosher V’someach

Chaskel Bennett
Brooklyn NY

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