Commissioner Scoppetta & NY Board of Rabbis Share Fire Safety Tips for Pesach

fdny1.jpgFDNY Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta, Chief of Department Salvatore Cassano and FDNY Chaplain and New York Board of Rabbis Executive Vice President Joseph Potasnik urged those celebrating Pesach to have a happy and safe Yom Tov, using extra caution when they carry out Bidikas, & Biur Chometz. During a press conference April 3 at at the quarters of Engine Co. 24 & Ladder Co. 5 in Manhattan, Rabbi Potasnik demonstrated the proper way to burn bread, using a metal can, a screen to prevent stray embers and newspaper instead of dangerous accelerants like lighter fluid.

“This is a very important holiday for the Jewish people,” Commissioner Scoppetta said. “It’s also a very enjoyable time when friends and family come together to share in traditions that have lasted for thousands of years. But as people gather all across New York to celebrate the holiday, we hope everyone will please take a few moments to be sure they’re not putting themselves or others at risk.”

In 2004, five people were seriously burned when a man poured paint thinner on a “Biur Chometz fire” in Borough Park, Brooklyn and in 2005, three children from Williamsburg, Brooklyn died in a fire caused by stovetop burners left on during Yom Tov.

For a list of Pesach fire safety tips, click HERE.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

One Response

  1. Why is it when there is news about cristions rituals it is treated as facts but Jewish rituals are presented as tradition. How do we get main stream media to realize most things Jews do is by Jewish law and not custom.

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